1 play a straight bat
Австралийский сленг: вести себя честно, действовать искренне, действовать прямо, действовать честно -
2 play a straight bat
вести себя или действовать прямо, честно, искренне -
3 play a straight bat
вести себя или действовать прямо, честно, искренне -
4 straight
straight [streɪt]ligne droite ⇒ 1 (a) droit ⇒ 2 (a)-(c), 2 (g), 3 (a)-(c) raide ⇒ 2 (a) honnête ⇒ 2 (c) franc ⇒ 2 (c) clair ⇒ 2 (d) en ordre ⇒ 2 (e) quitte ⇒ 2 (f) pur ⇒ 2 (h) consécutif ⇒ 2 (i) directement ⇒ 3 (c), 3 (d) franchement ⇒ 3 (e)1 noun(a) (on racetrack, railway track) ligne f droite;∎ the final or home straight la dernière ligne droite;∎ figurative we're on the home straight now nous sommes dans la dernière ligne droite;∎ to keep to the straight and narrow rester dans le droit chemin∎ to be out of straight être de biais ou de travers;∎ to cut a material on the straight couper une étoffe de droit fil(c) (in poker) quinte f∎ don't be such a straight! sois pas si sérieux!∎ Mathematics a straight line une (ligne) droite;∎ in a straight line en ligne droite;∎ to have a straight back avoir le dos bien droit, se tenir bien droit;∎ keep your back straight tiens-toi droit, redresse-toi;∎ figurative to play with or to keep a straight bat se conduire honorablement(b) (level, upright) droit;∎ the picture isn't straight le tableau n'est pas droit ou est de travers;∎ is my tie straight? est-ce que ma cravate est droite?;∎ hold or keep the tray straight tenez le plateau bien droit∎ straight as a die d'une droiture ou honnêteté absolue;∎ he's always been straight in his dealings with me il a toujours été honnête avec moi;∎ to be straight with sb être franc avec qn;∎ are you being straight with me? est-ce que tu joues franc jeu avec moi?;∎ to play a straight game jouer franc jeu;∎ to give sb a straight answer répondre franchement à qn;∎ to have a straight talk about sth parler franchement de qch;∎ to do some straight talking parler franchement;∎ at the meeting he did some straight talking il n'a pas mâché ses mots à la réunion;∎ it's time we did some straight talking il faut qu'on parle, tous les deux;∎ he's a straight arrow (person of integrity) on peut compter sur lui□ ; (too conventional) il est un peu coincé(d) (correct, clear) clair;∎ to put or to set the record straight mettre les choses au clair;∎ just to set the record straight pour que ce soit bien clair;∎ I'd like to get things straight before I leave je voudrais mettre les choses au clair avant de partir;∎ let's get this straight entendons-nous bien là-dessus;∎ let's get this straight, he left at two o'clock? mettons les choses au clair, il est parti à deux heures?;∎ have you put her straight? as-tu mis les choses au point avec elle?;∎ you ought to put her straight about what he's (really) like tu devrais lui dire comment il est vraiment;∎ now just you get this straight! mets-toi bien ceci dans la tête!, qu'on se mette bien d'accord sur ce point!(e) (tidy, in order → room, desk, accounts) en ordre;∎ to put or to set straight (room, house) mettre en ordre, mettre de l'ordre dans; (affairs, accounts) mettre de l'ordre dans;∎ put your desk straight rangez votre bureau;∎ put your things straight on the desk mettez un peu d'ordre sur le bureau∎ here's the £5 I owe you, now we're straight voilà les 5 livres que je te dois, maintenant nous sommes quittes;∎ I need five hundred pounds to get myself straight il me faut cinq cents livres pour me remettre d'aplomb ou me refaire∎ Boxing he hit him a straight left/right il lui a porté un direct du gauche/du droit;∎ American to vote a straight ticket voter pour une liste sans panachage(h) (pure, utter) pur;∎ it's just straight prejudice ce sont des préjugés, tout simplement;∎ it's just straight propaganda c'est de la propagande pure et simple(i) (consecutive) consécutif, de suite;∎ to have three straight wins gagner trois fois de suite ou d'affilée;∎ Sport to win in three straight sets (in tennis) gagner en trois sets;∎ he won in straight sets (best of three sets) il a gagné en deux sets; (best of five sets) il a gagné en trois sets;∎ we worked for three straight days nous avons travaillé trois jours d'affilée;∎ he got straight As all term il n'a eu que de très bonnes notes tout le semestre;∎ a straight A student un étudiant brillant;∎ a straight flush (in poker) une quinte flush(j) (neat → whisky, vodka) sec (sèche)∎ to keep a straight face garder son sérieux;∎ it's the first straight role she's played in years c'est son premier rôle sérieux depuis des années∎ a straight eight engine un moteur huit cylindres en ligne∎ this is the straight story of what happened voici comment ça s'est vraiment passé3 adverb(a) (in a straight line) droit, en ligne droite;∎ try and walk straight! essaie de marcher droit!;∎ the rocket shot straight up la fusée est montée à la verticale ou en ligne droite;∎ to shoot straight viser juste;∎ familiar to go straight (criminal) se ranger des voitures(b) (upright → walk, sit, stand) (bien) droit;∎ sit up straight! tiens-toi droit ou redresse-toi (sur ta chaise)!(c) (directly) (tout) droit, directement;∎ he looked me straight in the face/in the eye il me regarda bien en face/droit dans les yeux;∎ to drink straight from the bottle boire à (même) la bouteille;∎ it's straight across the road c'est juste en face;∎ the car came straight at me la voiture a foncé droit sur moi;∎ the ball went straight through the window la balle est passée par la fenêtre;∎ the knife went straight through my arm le couteau m'a transpercé le bras;∎ we drove straight through Nantes nous avons traversé Nantes sans nous arrêter;∎ to read a book straight through (from beginning to end) lire un livre d'un bout à l'autre; (without stopping) lire un livre d'une traite;∎ he looked straight through me il m'a regardé sans me voir;∎ it went straight to his heart cela lui est allé droit au cœur;∎ straight ahead tout droit;∎ where's the crossroads? - it's straight ahead où se trouve le carrefour? - c'est tout droit devant vous;∎ he looked straight ahead il regarda droit devant lui;∎ straight on tout droit;∎ go straight on till you come to a roundabout continuez tout droit jusqu'à ce que vous arriviez à un rond-point;∎ at the roundabout go straight over au rond-point allez tout droit;∎ familiar to let sb have it straight dire son fait à qn□ ;∎ to come straight out with sth dire qch tout net;∎ she gave it me straight from the shoulder elle me l'a dit sans ambages ou sans prendre de gants(d) (without delay) directement;∎ come straight home after the concert! rentre à la maison tout de suite après le concert!;∎ go straight to bed! va tout de suite te coucher!;∎ I'll be straight back je reviens directement;∎ they mostly go straight from school to university pour la plupart, ils passent directement du lycée à l'université;∎ to come straight to the point aller droit au fait;∎ to get straight on with one's work se mettre directement au travail;∎ straight away immédiatement, aussitôt, tout de suite;∎ familiar straight off tout de suite□(e) (frankly, honestly) franchement, carrément;∎ I told him straight (out) what I thought of him je lui ai dit franchement ce que je pensais de lui;∎ to play straight jouer franc jeu;∎ familiar I'm giving it to you straight je vous le dis tout net□ ;∎ straight up! sans blague!, je t'assure!∎ I can't see straight je ne vois pas bien;∎ I can't think straight je n'ai pas les idées claires(g) (neat, unmixed)∎ to drink whisky straight boire son whisky sec►► Theatre straight actor acteur(trice) m,f sérieux-(euse);straight four (in rowing) quatre m de pointe sans barreur;Theatre straight man (of comedian) faire-valoir m inv;Theatre straight part rôle m sérieux;American straight razor rasoir m à main;straight theatre le théâtre traditionnel; -
5 ♦ straight
♦ straight /streɪt/A a.1 diritto; dritto; ritto; eretto; retto; corretto; giusto; onesto; perbene: a straight road, una strada diritta; straight legs, gambe diritte; a straight back, una schiena dritta, eretta; (geom.) straight line, linea retta; a straight player, un giocatore corretto; a straight man, un uomo retto; Is my tie straight?, ho la cravatta dritta?; straight thinking, modo di pensare retto, giusto; straight dealings, affari onesti3 franco; diretto; leale; schietto; perbene; bravo: straight speaking, parlar franco e leale; He is well-known for his straight manner, è noto a tutti per il suo leale modo di fare; a straight answer, una risposta franca, schietta; to be straight with sb., comportarsi lealmente con q.; ( anche) essere franco con q.; DIALOGO → - Business trip 1- I just wish they'd been straight with us in the first place, avrei preferito che fossero stati franchi con noi da subito4 assettato; ordinato; in ordine; a posto; in sesto: The accounts are straight, i conti sono in ordine; Get your bedroom straight, metti in ordine la tua camera!5 (fam.) di fonte sicura; sicuro; attendibile; giusto; vero: a straight tip, un'informazione attendibile; un suggerimento sicuro ( circa un cavallo vincente, un investimento, ecc.)8 ( del viso) serio: to keep a straight face, fare la faccia seria; rimanere serio, impassibile; riuscire a trattenere il riso12 (fam.) che non devia dalla norma; «sano» ( eterosessuale, o che non si droga); (spreg.) convenzionale14 ( cricket) ( del braccio) teso: straight-arm bowling, lanci a braccio teso ( la posizione normale)16 (equit., ecc.) a piombo; verticale: a straight obstacle (o a straight jump) un ostacolo verticale18 (fig.) consecutivo; in fila: After five straight wins they finally lost to us, dopo cinque vittorie consecutive, alla fine con noi perseroB n.1 l'esser dritto; l'essere a piombo2 rettifilo; rettilineo; ( sport) dirittura (d'arrivo): They were even as they reached the straight, in dirittura d'arrivo si sono ritrovati appaiati5 (fam.) chi non devia dalla norma; eterosessuale; persona «sana» ( che non si droga, ecc.); (spreg.) tipo convenzionaleC avv.1 diritto; in linea retta; direttamente; dritto: to go straight on, andar sempre diritto; tirar diritto; This hat comes straight from Paris, questo cappellino viene direttamente da Parigi; ( calcio) A goal cannot be scored straight from a throw-in, non si può fare gol direttamente su rimessa laterale4 correttamente; lealmente5 schiettamente; francamente; esplicitamente; chiaro e tondo: I told him straight ( out), glielo dissi chiaro e tondo● (fam.) the straight and narrow, la retta via; la vita onesta: to keep to (o on) the straight and narrow, vivere rettamente; seguire la retta via □ (geom.) a straight angle, un angolo piatto □ (archit.) straight arch, piattabanda □ ( sport) straight-arm, (agg.) a braccio teso; (sost.) ( football americano, rugby) respinta ( di un avversario) a braccio teso □ ( rugby) straight-arm tackle, placcaggio a braccio teso □ (fam. USA) straight arrow, persona onesta, perbene; ( anche) persona che si attiene alle convenzioni □ as straight as a die, diritto come un fuso; (fig.) fidatissimo, onestissimo □ straight away, subito; senz'indugio; difilato; lì per lì; su due piedi: DIALOGO → - Complaining about the food- I'll change it straight away, lo cambio subito; I cannot tell you straight away, non posso dirtelo su due piedi □ ( boxe) a straight blow, un colpo che va dritto al segno; un diretto □ (fin.) straight bond, obbligazione ordinaria □ a straight choice, una scelta obbligata □ ( poker, USA) straight color, scala reale (cfr. ingl. straight flush, sotto flush /4/) □ straight-cut, tagliato per il lungo; ( del tabacco) trinciato; (fig.) onesto, fidato, serio □ straight-cut tobacco, trinciato (sost.) □ (mecc.) straight-eight ( engine), (motore a) otto cilindri in linea □ (fig.) straight-faced, impassibile; serio; solenne □ a straight fight, una lotta accanita; (polit.) una competizione diretta ( fra due candidati) □ ( poker) straight flush, scala reale □ straight from, (direttamente) da: He came home straight from the office, è venuto a casa direttamente dall'ufficio; to learn st. straight from the horse's mouth, apprendere qc. direttamente dalla fonte; to drink straight from the bottle, bere dalla bottiglia; bere a collo □ ( sport) straight from the shoulder, ( di un lancio, ecc.) (effettuato) dalla spalla; ( boxe: di un pugno) portato con la spalla; (fig. fam.) senza circonlocuzioni, chiaro e tondo: I'll give it to you straight from the shoulder, te lo dirò chiaro e tondo □ ( slang USA) straight goods (o straight dope), la verità: I want the straight goods, voglio sapere la verità □ straight hair, capelli lisci □ straight-jacket ► straitjacket □ (aeron.) straight jet, aereo a reazione senz'elica □ straight-laced = strait-laced ► strait (1) □ (ass.) straight life annuity, vitalizio; assegno vitalizio □ (ass.) straight life insurance, assicurazione vita intera □ straight-line, (geom.) in linea retta, rettilineo; (rag.) a quote costanti: straight-line depreciation, ammortamento a quote costanti □ straight-line rate, tariffa fissa ( dell'elettricità, ecc.) □ straight-lined, rettilineo □ (teatr.) straight man, spalla □ straight off, sùbito; immediatamente; su due piedi; lì per lì □ straight out, in modo chiaro (o esplicito); chiaro e tondo (fam.) □ (fin.) straight paper, titolo di credito firmato (o girato) da una persona sola □ ( sci) straight plough, discesa a spazzaneve □ straight poker, poker con una sola distribuzione di carte ( ora in disuso, salvo fra professionisti e con poste elevate) □ (equit.) straight post and rail, dritto; barriera □ ( sport) a straight race, una corsa «tirata» □ (chim.) straight run, distillato primario (o vergine) □ ( nelle corse) straight stretch, dirittura; rettilineo; rettifilo □ (polit., USA) straight ticket, lista completa di candidati di un partito □ straight through, da cima a fondo: to read a novel straight through, leggere un romanzo da cima a fondo (o tutto d'un fiato) □ ( scherma) straight thrust, stoccata diritta □ straight time, orario lavorativo normale ( esclusi gli straordinari, ecc.) □ (fam. USA) (agg.) straight-up, onesto, retto, perbene; ( di whisky, ecc.) liscio; ( di uovo) (cotto) all'occhio di bue: I like my eggs straight-up, le uova mi piacciono all'occhio di bue; (avv., ingl.) sul serio, davvero, proprio così □ to come straight to the point, venir subito al punto, al dunque; entrare subito in argomento □ (fam.) to get straight, rimettere (rimettersi) in sesto; raddrizzare ( un'azienda, ecc.); raddrizzarsi □ (fam.) to get st. straight, capire bene qc. □ to go straight, andare (sempre) diritto; (fig. fam.) comportarsi onestamente, rigare diritto □ to have a straight eye, avere «occhio»; saper distinguere una deviazione dalla linea retta □ to hit straight from the shoulder, ( boxe) portare i colpi dalla spalla; colpire di diritto □ (mecc., edil.) out of the straight, storto; fuori squadra □ (fam.) to play it straight, mettere giudizio; rigare dritto □ to put sb. straight, chiarire le idee a q.; dire a q. come stanno le cose □ to put st. straight, raddrizzare qc. □ to put one's hair straight, rassettarsi, rimettersi a posto i capelli □ to put the record straight, dire (o per dire) le cose come stanno; (per) mettere tutto in chiaro □ to put things straight, metter le cose a posto; sistemare le cose □ to ride straight, cavalcare in linea retta ( saltando siepi, steccati, ecc.) □ to set sb. straight about it, chiarire la cosa a q.; accertarsi che q. abbia capito bene □ to set the record straight = to put the record straight ► sopra □ to shoot straight, sparar diritto; sparare bene; avere la mira buona □ (polit., USA) to vote the straight ticket, votare l'intera lista dei candidati, senza fare aggiunte o modifiche □ Keep straight on!, andate sempre dritto!FALSI AMICI: straight non significa stretto. NOTA D'USO: - straight o strait?- -
6 straight
1. adjective1) gerade; aufrecht [Haltung]; glatt [Haar]in a straight line — in gerader Linie
2) (not having been bent) ausgestreckt [Arm, Bein]; durchgedrückt [Knie]4) (Fashion) gerade geschnitten5) (undiluted, unmodified) unvermischt6) (successive) fortlaufendwin in straight sets — (Tennis) ohne Satzverlust gewinnen
the team had ten straight wins — die Mannschaft hat zehn Spiele hintereinander gewonnen
straight As — (Amer.) lauter Einsen
7) (undeviating) direkt [Blick, Schlag, Schuss, Pass, Ball, Weg]8) (candid) geradlinig [Person]; ehrlich [Antwort]; klar [Abfuhr, Weigerung, Verurteilung]; unmissverständlich [Rat]straight dealings/speaking — direkte Verhandlungen/unverblümte Sprache
he did some straight talking with her — er sprach sich mit ihr offen aus
9) (Theatre) ernst; (not avant-garde) konventionell10) (in good order, not askew)the accounts are straight — die Bücher sind in Ordnung
is my hair/tie straight? — sitzt meine Frisur/Krawatte [richtig]?
is my hat [on] straight? — sitzt mein Hut [richtig]?
put straight — geradeziehen [Krawatte]; gerade aufsetzen [Hut]; gerade hängen [Bild]; aufräumen [Zimmer, Sachen]; richtig stellen [Fehler, Missverständnis]
get something straight — (fig.) etwas genau od. richtig verstehen
let's get it or things or the facts straight — wir sollten alles genau klären
get this straight! — merk dir das [ein für allemal]!
2. adverbput or set the record straight — die Sache od. das richtig stellen
1) (in a straight line) geradego straight — (fig.): (give up crime) ein bürgerliches Leben führen
2) (directly) geradewegscome straight to the point — direkt od. gleich zur Sache kommen
straight ahead or on — immer geradeaus
I told him straight [out] that... — ich sagte [es] ihm ins Gesicht, dass...
4) (upright) gerade [sitzen, stehen, wachsen]5) (accurately) zielsicherhe can't shoot [very] straight — er ist nicht [sehr] zielsicher
6) (clearly) klar [sehen, denken]3. noun* * *[streit] 1. adjective1) (not bent or curved: a straight line; straight (= not curly) hair; That line is not straight.) gerade, glatt2) ((of a person, his behaviour etc) honest, frank and direct: Give me a straight answer!) ehrlich3) (properly or levelly positioned: Your tie isn't straight.) ordentlich4) (correct and tidy: I'll never get this house straight!; Now let's get the facts straight!) ordentlich5) ((of drinks) not mixed: a straight gin.) pur6) ((of a face, expression etc) not smiling or laughing: You should keep a straight face while you tell a joke.) nicht verzogen7) ((of an actor) playing normal characters, or (of a play) of the ordinary type - not a musical or variety show.) konventionell2. adverb1) (in a straight, not curved, line; directly: His route went straight across the desert; She can't steer straight; Keep straight on.) gerade(wegs)2) (immediately, without any delay: He went straight home after the meeting.) direkt3) (honestly or fairly: You're not playing (= behaving) straight.) anständig3. noun(the straight part of something, eg of a racecourse: He's in the final straight.) die Gerade- academic.ru/71096/straighten">straighten- straightness
- straightforward
- straightforwardly
- straightforwardness
- straight talking
- go straight
- straight away
- straighten out/up
- a straight fight
- straight off* * *[streɪt]I. nin the finishing [or home] \straight in der Zielgeraden3.▶ stay on [or keep to] the \straight and narrow ( saying) bleibe im Lande und nähre dich redlich provII. adj1. (without curve) gerade; back, nose gerade; hair glatt; skirt gerade geschnitten; line gerade; road, row, furrow [schnur]geradeis my tie \straight? sitzt mein Schlips richtig?the picture isn't \straight das Bild hängt schiefhe landed a \straight punch to the face sein Hieb landete geradewegs im GesichtI think we better do a bit of \straight talking ich finde, wir sollten einmal ganz offen miteinander reden▪ to be \straight with sb aufrichtig [o ehrlich] mit jdm seina \straight answer eine offene [und ehrliche] Antwortto do \straight dealings with sb mit jdm offen und ehrlich verhandelnhe looks pretty \straight wearing a tie mit Krawatte sieht er ziemlich spießig aus\straight gin/Scotch Gin m/Scotch m purvodka \straight Wodka m pur\straight reporting objektive Berichterstattung7. (clear, uncomplicated) klarwell done, Tim, that was \straight thinking gut gemacht, Tim, da hast du wirklich scharf überlegtjust give me a \straight yes or no sag doch ganz einfach ja oder nein!we both liked each other's jumpers, so we did a \straight swap uns gefiel jeweils der Pullover des anderen und da haben wir einfach getauscht\straight answer eindeutige Antwort; (in exams)\straight A's glatte Einserhe's a \straight A candidate er ist ein Einserkandidatthe team has won ten \straight games this season das Team hat in dieser Saison zehn Spiele hintereinander gewonnenthe \straight line of succession to the throne die Thronfolge in direkter Linieto win/lose in \straight sets TENNIS mehrere Sätze hintereinander gewinnen/verlierenthere's a lot of \straight theatre at the festival beim Festival wird viel Althergebrachtes gebotento keep a \straight face [or one's face \straight] ernst bleiben\straight actor/actress THEAT Schauspieler/Schauspielerin des ernsten Fachs\straight production [or play] ernstes Stückto put things \straight (tidy) Ordnung schaffen; (organize) etwas auf die Reihe kriegen fam, ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ a. etwas schaffenlet's get this \straight, you need £500 tomorrow or else... stellen wir einmal klar: entweder du hast bis morgen 500 Pfund, oder...and get this \straight, I'm not lending you any more money damit das klar ist: ich leihe dir keine müde Mark mehrIII. adv1. (in a line) gerade[aus]go \straight along this road folgen Sie immer dieser Straßehe drove \straight into the tree er fuhr frontal gegen den Baumthe village lay \straight ahead of us das Dorf lag genau vor unsafter a couple of gins, I was having difficulty walking \straight nach ein paar Gins konnte ich kaum noch gerade gehenthe dog seemed to be coming \straight at me der Hund schien direkt auf mich zuzukommenthe arrow went \straight through the canvas der Pfeil ging glatt durch die Leinwandshe told me to go \straight ahead with designing the dress sie befahl mir, auf der Stelle mit dem Entwerfen des Kleides anzufangento look \straight ahead geradeaus schauenshall we go \straight to the party or stop off at a pub first? sollen wir gleich zur Party fahren oder schauen wir zuerst in einer Kneipe vorbei?to look sb \straight in the eye jdm direkt in die Augen sehen [o ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ schauenI got home and went \straight to bed ich kam nach Hause und ging sofort schlafenwe've got to leave \straight away wir müssen unverzüglich aufbrechenshe said \straight off [or away] that she had no time on Friday sie sagte von vornherein, dass sie am Freitag keine Zeit habeto get \straight to the point sofort [o ohne Umschweife] zur Sache kommentell me \straight, would you rather we didn't go out tonight? nun sag mal ganz ehrlich, wäre es dir lieber, wenn wir heute Abend nicht weggingen?I told him \straight that I didn't like his tie ich sagte ihm geradeheraus, dass mir seine Krawatte nicht gefiele5. (clearly) klarafter five glasses of wine I couldn't see \straight nach fünf Gläsern Wein konnte ich nicht mehr richtig sehenI'm so tired I can't think \straight any more ich bin so müde, dass ich nicht mehr klar denken kann* * *[streɪt]1. adj (+er)1) gerade; shot, pass direkt; stance, posture aufrecht; hair glatt; skirt, trousers gerade geschnittenthe picture isn't straight —
please put the picture straight —
as straight as a die (Brit) — kerzengerade; road schnurgerade
to keep a straight face, to keep one's face straight — ernst bleiben, das Gesicht nicht verziehen
straight left/right (Boxing) — gerade Linke/Rechte
2) (= clear) thinking klarto get things straight in one's mind — sich (dat) der Dinge klar werden
3) (= frank) answer, talking, question offen, direkt; piece of advice offen, ehrlich; denial, refusal direkt, ohne Umschweife; (= honest) person, dealings ehrlichto keep sb straight — dafür sorgen, dass jd ehrlich bleibt or nicht auf die schiefe Bahn gerät (inf)
straight arrow ( US inf ) — biederer Mensch
to vote the straight ticket ( US Pol ) — seine Stimme einer einzigen Partei (dat) geben
to have a straight choice between... — nur die Wahl zwischen... haben
5) (= continuous) ununterbrochenfor the third straight day (US) —
our team had ten straight wins — unsere Mannschaft gewann zehnmal hintereinander or in ununterbrochener Folge
in straight sets/games (win) — ohne Satz-/Spielverlust; (lose) ohne Satz-/Spielgewinn, in aufeinanderfolgenden Sätzen/Spielen
if I give you a fiver, then we'll be straight (inf) — wenn ich dir einen Fünfer gebe, sind wir quitt
9) (DRUGS inf) clean (inf)2. adv1) hold, walk, fly, shoot, grow gerade; sit up, stand up aufrecht, gerade; hit genau; leap at, aim for direkt; above genau, direkt; across direktit went straight up in the air — es flog senkrecht in die Luft
to look straight ahead —
the airport is straight ahead —
he drove straight into a tree — er fuhr direkt or voll (inf) gegen einen Baum
2) (= directly) direkt3) (= immediately) sofortstraight away or off —
he said straight off that... — er sagte ohne Umschweife or sofort, dass...
4) (= clearly) think, see klar5) (= frankly) offen, rundheraus, ohne UmschweifeI'll give it to you straight, you're fired — ich sage es Ihnen rundheraus or ohne Umschweife, Sie sind entlassen
straight out (inf) — unverblümt (inf), rundheraus
to give or tell sb sth/it straight from the shoulder —
straight up, I got fifty quid for it (inf) — echt, ich habe fünfzig Pfund dafür gekriegt (inf)
I got fifty quid for it – straight up? (inf) — ich habe fünfzig Pfund dafür gekriegt – echt? (inf)
6) (THEAT) play, produce konventionell7) drink pur3. nto keep sb on the straight and narrow — dafür sorgen, dass jd ehrlich bleibt or nicht auf die schiefe Bahn gerät
to stay on or keep to the straight and narrow — auf dem Pfad der Tugend bleiben
2) (= straight line) Gerade fto cut sth on the straight — etw gerade ( ab)schneiden; cloth etw am Faden(lauf) entlang schneiden
3) (inf: heterosexual) Hetero m (inf)* * *straight [streıt]A adj (adv straightly)1. gerade (Beine etc):straight hair glattes Haar;keep the car in a straight line die Spur halten;keep a straight face das Gesicht nicht verziehen, engS. ernst bleiben;in straight sets (Tennis etc) ohne Satzverlust;his third straight win SPORT sein dritter Sieg in (ununterbrochener Reihen)Folge3. in Ordnung, ordentlich:put straight in Ordnung bringen;put things straight Ordnung schaffen;put a few things straight einige Dinge klarstellen;set sb straight jemandem einen Zahn ziehen umg;4. a) offen, ehrlichb) ehrlich, reell (Geschäftsmann etc): → die2 15. anständig (Leben etc)6. umg zuverlässig, sicher (Tipp etc)7. geradlinig, folgerichtig (Denken etc)8. POL US hundertprozentig (Republikaner etc)9. pur:drink one’s whisky straightc) gewöhnlich, normal (Roman etc)11. WIRTSCH US mit festem Preis, ohne Mengenrabatt12. AUTO, TECH Reihen…:13. umg quitt:we’re straight14. sl spießig15. sla) hetero (heterosexuell)b) clean, sauber (nicht mehr drogenabhängig)B adv1. gerade(aus):2. richtig:I can’t think straight ich kann nicht (mehr) klar denken;get sb straight sl jemanden richtig verstehen3. direkt, gerade, gerade(s)wegs, unmittelbar:a) es ernst meinen,b) kein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen;a) nur heraus mit der Wahrheit!,b) mir gegenüber brauchst du kein Blatt vor den Mund zu nehmen7. ohne Eis (Cocktail)8. straight up? Br umg echt?, ehrlich?C s1. Geradheit f:out of the straight krumm, schief2. SPORT (Gegen-, Ziel) Gerade f3. SPORT (Erfolgs-, Treffer- etc) Serie f6. sl Spießer(in)7. sla) Hetero mb) jemand, der clean ist* * *1. adjective1) gerade; aufrecht [Haltung]; glatt [Haar]2) (not having been bent) ausgestreckt [Arm, Bein]; durchgedrückt [Knie]3) (not misshapen) gerade [Bein]4) (Fashion) gerade geschnitten5) (undiluted, unmodified) unvermischthave or drink whisky/gin straight — Whisky/Gin pur trinken
6) (successive) fortlaufendwin in straight sets — (Tennis) ohne Satzverlust gewinnen
straight As — (Amer.) lauter Einsen
7) (undeviating) direkt [Blick, Schlag, Schuss, Pass, Ball, Weg]8) (candid) geradlinig [Person]; ehrlich [Antwort]; klar [Abfuhr, Weigerung, Verurteilung]; unmissverständlich [Rat]straight dealings/speaking — direkte Verhandlungen/unverblümte Sprache
9) (Theatre) ernst; (not avant-garde) konventionell10) (in good order, not askew)is my hair/tie straight? — sitzt meine Frisur/Krawatte [richtig]?
is my hat [on] straight? — sitzt mein Hut [richtig]?
put straight — geradeziehen [Krawatte]; gerade aufsetzen [Hut]; gerade hängen [Bild]; aufräumen [Zimmer, Sachen]; richtig stellen [Fehler, Missverständnis]
get something straight — (fig.) etwas genau od. richtig verstehen
let's get it or things or the facts straight — wir sollten alles genau klären
get this straight! — merk dir das [ein für allemal]!
2. adverbput or set the record straight — die Sache od. das richtig stellen
1) (in a straight line) geradego straight — (fig.): (give up crime) ein bürgerliches Leben führen
2) (directly) geradewegscome straight to the point — direkt od. gleich zur Sache kommen
straight ahead or on — immer geradeaus
3) (honestly, frankly) aufrichtigI told him straight [out] that... — ich sagte [es] ihm ins Gesicht, dass...
4) (upright) gerade [sitzen, stehen, wachsen]5) (accurately) zielsicherhe can't shoot [very] straight — er ist nicht [sehr] zielsicher
6) (clearly) klar [sehen, denken]3. nounfinal or home or finishing straight — (Sport; also fig.) Zielgerade, die
* * *adj.direkt adj.gerade adj.geradewegs adj.rein adj.unmittelbar adj.unverfälscht adj. -
7 play
1. verb1) (to amuse oneself: The child is playing in the garden; He is playing with his toys; The little girl wants to play with her friends.) jugar2) (to take part in (games etc): He plays football; He is playing in goal; Here's a pack of cards - who wants to play (with me)?; I'm playing golf with him this evening.) jugar (a)3) (to act in a play etc; to act (a character): She's playing Lady Macbeth; The company is playing in London this week.) representar, actuar4) ((of a play etc) to be performed: `Oklahoma' is playing at the local theatre.) ser representado5) (to (be able to) perform on (a musical instrument): She plays the piano; Who was playing the piano this morning?; He plays (the oboe) in an orchestra.) tocar6) ((usually with on) to carry out or do (a trick): He played a trick on me.) gastar una broma (a alguien)7) ((usually with at) to compete against (someone) in a game etc: I'll play you at tennis.) jugar contra8) ((of light) to pass with a flickering movement: The firelight played across the ceiling.) rielar, bailar9) (to direct (over or towards something): The firemen played their hoses over the burning house.) dirigir10) (to put down or produce (a playing-card) as part of a card game: He played the seven of hearts.) jugar
2. noun1) (recreation; amusement: A person must have time for both work and play.) diversión2) (an acted story; a drama: Shakespeare wrote many great plays.) obra3) (the playing of a game: At the start of today's play, England was leading India by fifteen runs.) partido4) (freedom of movement (eg in part of a machine).) juego•- player- playable
- playful
- playfully
- playfulness
- playboy
- playground
- playing-card
- playing-field
- playmate
- playpen
- playschool
- plaything
- playtime
- playwright
- at play
- bring/come into play
- child's play
- in play
- out of play
- play at
- play back
- play down
- play fair
- play for time
- play havoc with
- play into someone's hands
- play off
- play off against
- play on
- play a
- no part in
- play safe
- play the game
- play up
play1 n1. obra de teatrothere's a Shakespeare play on at the local theatre representan una obra de Shakespeare en el teatro de la ciudad2. juegoplay2 vb1. jugar2. tocartr[pleɪ]1 (recreation) juego3 SMALLTHEATRE/SMALL obra (de teatro), pieza (teatral)4 (free and easy movement, slack) juego5 (action, effect, interaction) juego1 (game, sport) jugar a■ some played cards while the others played football algunos jugamos a cartas mientras otros jugaron a fútbol■ do you play the Stock Exchange? ¿juegas a la Bolsa?2 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (compete against) jugar contra; (in position) jugar de; (ball) pasar; (card) jugar; (piece) mover■ have you played David at tennis? ¿has jugado al tenis con David?3 SMALLMUSIC/SMALL tocar1 (joke, trick) gastar, hacer2 (record, song, tape) poner3 (direct - light, water) dirigir1 (amuse oneself) jugar (at, a), ( with, con)2 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (at game) jugar4 (pretend) pretender, jugar a■ what are you playing at? ¿qué pretendes?, ¿a qué estás jugando?5 SMALLMUSIC/SMALL tocar6 (move) recorrer\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLa play on words un juego de palabrasto be in play estar dentro de juegoto be out of play estar fuera de juegoto be played out estar agotado,-a, estar rendido,-ato bring something into play poner algo en juegoto come into play entrar en juegoto give full play to something dar rienda suelta a algoto make a play for something/somebody intentar conseguir algo/conquistar a alguiento play by ear (music) tocar de oídoto play dead hacerse el/la muerto,-ato play for time tratar de ganar tiempoto play hard to get hacerse de rogar, hacerse el/la interesanteto play into somebody's hands hacerle el juego a alguiento play it by ear (improvise) decidir sobre la marcha, improvisarto play it cool hacer como si nadato play one's cards right jugar bien sus cartasto play safe / play it safe ir a lo seguro, no arriesgarseto play the fool hacer el indio, hacer el tontoto play the game jugar limpioto play truant hacer novillos, hacer campanato play with an idea dar vueltas a una ideato play with fire jugar con fuegofair play / foul play juego limpio / juego sucioplay ['pleɪ] vi1) : jugarto play with a doll: jugar con una muñecato play with an idea: darle vueltas a una idea2) fiddle, toy: jugar, jugueteardon't play with your food: no juegues con la comida3) : tocarto play in a band: tocar en un grupo4) : actuar (en una obra de teatro)play vt1) : jugar (un deporte, etc.), jugar a (un juego), jugar contra (un contrincante)2) : tocar (música o un instrumento)3) perform: interpretar, hacer el papel de (un carácter), representar (una obra de teatro)she plays the lead: hace el papel principalplay n1) game, recreation: juego mchildren at play: niños jugandoa play on words: un juego de palabras2) action: juego mthe ball is in play: la pelota está en juegoto bring into play: poner en juego3) drama: obra f de teatro, pieza f (de teatro)4) movement: juego m (de la luz, una brisa, etc.)5) slack: juego mthere's not enough play in the wheel: la rueda no da lo suficienten.• drama s.m.• holgura s.f.• huelgo s.m.• juego s.m.• jugada s.f.• obra dramática s.f.• pieza s.f.• recreo s.m. (A role)v.v.v.• tañer v.v.• divertirse v.• jugar v.• juguetear v.• representar v.• reproducir (Electrónica) v.• sonar v.pleɪ
1)a) u ( recreation) juego mb) u ( Sport) juego mplay was interrupted — se interrumpió el juego or el partido
to bring something/come into play — poner* algo/entrar en juego
to make a play for somebody/something — (also BrE)
he made a play for her — trató de ganársela or de conquistársela
the company made a play for ownership of ABC Industries — la compañía intentó hacerse con ABC Industries
2) u ( interplay) juego m4) c ( Theat) obra f (de teatro), pieza f (teatral), comedia fradio play — obra f radiofónica
5) c ( pun)
2)a) \<\<cards/hopscotch\>\> jugar* ato play a jokeick on somebody — hacerle* or gastarle una broma/una jugarreta a alguien
b) \<\<football/chess\>\> jugar* (AmL exc RPl), jugar* a (Esp, RPl)3)a) ( compete against) \<\<opponent\>\> jugar* contrato play somebody AT something: I used to play her at chess — jugaba ajedrez or (Esp, RPl) al ajedrez con ella
b) \<\<ball\>\> pasar; \<\<card\>\> tirar, jugar*; \<\<piece\>\> mover*c) ( in particular position) jugar* ded) ( use in game) \<\<reserve\>\> alinear, sacar* a jugar4) ( gamble on) jugar* ato play the market — ( Fin) jugar* a la bolsa
5) ( Theat)a) \<\<villain/Hamlet\>\> representar el papel de, hacer* de, actuar* deto play the innocent — hacerse* el inocente
b) \<\<scene\>\> representarto play it cool — hacer* como si nada
to play (it) safe — ir* a la segura, no arriesgarse*
to play (it) straight — ser* sincero or honesto
c) \<\<theater/town\>\> actuar* en6) ( Mus) \<\<instrument/note\>\> tocar*; \<\<piece\>\> tocar*, interpretar (frml)7) ( Audio) \<\<tape/record\>\> poner*8) ( move) (+ adv compl)
1) vi2) ( amuse oneself) \<\<children\>\> jugar*to play AT something — jugar* a algo
what are you playing at? — ¿a qué estás jugando?, ¿qué es lo que te propones?
to play WITH something/somebody — jugar* con algo/alguien
3) (Games, Sport) jugar*to play fair — jugar* limpio
to play fair with somebody — ser* justo con alguien
4)a) ( Theat) \<\<cast\>\> actuar*, trabajar; \<\<show\>\> ser* representadob) ( pretend)to play dead — hacerse* el muerto
to play hard to get — hacerse* el (or la etc) interesante
5) ( Mus) \<\<musician\>\> tocar*6) ( move)•Phrasal Verbs:- play off- play on- play out- play up[pleɪ]1. N1) (=recreation) juego m•
to be at play — estar jugando•
to do/say sth in play — hacer/decir algo en broma2) (Sport) juego m; (=move, manoeuvre) jugada f, movida fto be in play — [ball] estar en juego
fair I, 1., 1), foul 5.to be out of play — [ball] estar fuera de juego
3) (Theat) obra f (de teatro), pieza fplays teatro msingthe plays of Lope — las obras dramáticas de Lope, el teatro de Lope
radio/television play — obra f para radio/televisión
radioto be in a play — [actor] actuar en una obra
4) (Tech etc) juego mthere's too much play in the clutch — el embrague tiene demasiada holgura or va demasiado suelto
5) (fig) (=interaction)•
to come into play — entrar en juego•
to make a play for sth/sb — intentar conseguir algo/conquistar a algnto make (a) great play of sth — insistir en algo, hacer hincapié en algo
2. VT1) [+ football, tennis, chess, bridge, cards, board game etc] jugar a; [+ game, match] jugar, disputardo you play football? — ¿juegas al fútbol?
what position does he play? — ¿de qué juega?
to play centre-forward/centre-half etc — jugar de delantero centro/medio centro etc
to play a game of tennis — jugar un partido de tenisthe children were playing a game in the garden — los niños estaban jugando (a un juego) en el jardín
don't play games with me! — (fig) ¡no me vengas con jueguecitos!, ¡no trates de engañarme!
- play the field- play the game2) [+ team, opponent] jugar contralast time we played Sunderland... — la última vez que jugamos contra Sunderland...
to play sb at chess — jugar contra algn al ajedrez3) [+ card] jugar; [+ ball] golpear; [+ chess piece etc] mover; [+ fish] dejar que se canse, agotar•
he played the ball into the net — (Tennis) estrelló or golpeó la pelota contra la red•
to play the market — (St Ex) jugar a la bolsa- play one's cards right or well- play ball4) (=perform) [+ role, part] hacer, interpretar; [+ work] representar; (=perform in) [+ town] actuar enwhat part did you play? — ¿qué papel tuviste?
when we played "Hamlet" — cuando representamos "Hamlet"
to play the peacemaker/the devoted husband — (fig) hacer el papel de pacificador/de marido amantísimo
we could have played it differently — (fig) podríamos haber actuado de otra forma
- play it cool- play it safebook 1., 1), fool, trick 1., 1)5) (Mus etc) [+ instrument, note] tocar; [+ tune, concerto] tocar, interpretar more frm; [+ tape, CD] poner, tocarto play the piano/violin — tocar el piano/el violín
they played the 5th Symphony — tocaron or more frm interpretaron la Quinta Sinfonía
they were playing Beethoven — tocaban or more frm interpretaban algo de Beethoven
6) (=direct) [+ light, hose] dirigirto play a searchlight on an aircraft — dirigir un reflector hacia un avión, hacer de un avión el blanco de un reflector
3. VI1) (=amuse o.s.) [child] jugar; [puppy, kitten etc] jugar, juguetearto play with an idea — dar vueltas a una idea, barajar una idea
to play with fire — (fig) jugar con fuego
how much time/money do we have to play with? — ¿con cuánto tiempo/dinero contamos?, ¿de cuánto tiempo/dinero disponemos?
to play with o.s. * — euph tocarse, masturbarse
2) (Sport) (at game, gamble) jugarplay! — ¡listo!
who plays first? — ¿quién juega primero?
are you playing today? — ¿tu juegas hoy?
England are playing against Scotland in the final — Inglaterra jugará contra or se enfrentará a Escocia en la final•
to play at chess — jugar al ajedrezwhat are you playing at? * — pero ¿qué haces?, ¿qué te pasa?
to play by the rules — (fig) acatar las normas•
he plays for Liverpool — juega en el Liverpoolto play for high stakes — (lit) apostar muy alto; (fig) poner mucho en juego
to play in defence/goal — (Sport) jugar de defensa/de portero•
he played into the trees — (Golf) mandó la bola a la zona de árboles- play for time- play into sb's hands- play to one's strengths3) (Mus) [person] tocar; [instrument, record etc] sonardo you play? — ¿sabes tocar?
will you play for us? — ¿nos tocas algo?•
to play on the piano — tocar el piano•
to play to sb — tocar para algn4) (Theat, Cine) (=act) actuarthe film now playing at the Odeon — la película que se exhibe or proyecta en el Odeon
- play hard to get- play deadgallery5) (=move about, form patterns) correr6) [fountain] correr, funcionar4.CPDplay clothes NPL — ropa f para jugar
play reading N — lectura f (de una obra dramática)
- play in- play off- play on- play out- play up* * *[pleɪ]
1)a) u ( recreation) juego mb) u ( Sport) juego mplay was interrupted — se interrumpió el juego or el partido
to bring something/come into play — poner* algo/entrar en juego
to make a play for somebody/something — (also BrE)
he made a play for her — trató de ganársela or de conquistársela
the company made a play for ownership of ABC Industries — la compañía intentó hacerse con ABC Industries
2) u ( interplay) juego m4) c ( Theat) obra f (de teatro), pieza f (teatral), comedia fradio play — obra f radiofónica
5) c ( pun)
2)a) \<\<cards/hopscotch\>\> jugar* ato play a joke/trick on somebody — hacerle* or gastarle una broma/una jugarreta a alguien
b) \<\<football/chess\>\> jugar* (AmL exc RPl), jugar* a (Esp, RPl)3)a) ( compete against) \<\<opponent\>\> jugar* contrato play somebody AT something: I used to play her at chess — jugaba ajedrez or (Esp, RPl) al ajedrez con ella
b) \<\<ball\>\> pasar; \<\<card\>\> tirar, jugar*; \<\<piece\>\> mover*c) ( in particular position) jugar* ded) ( use in game) \<\<reserve\>\> alinear, sacar* a jugar4) ( gamble on) jugar* ato play the market — ( Fin) jugar* a la bolsa
5) ( Theat)a) \<\<villain/Hamlet\>\> representar el papel de, hacer* de, actuar* deto play the innocent — hacerse* el inocente
b) \<\<scene\>\> representarto play it cool — hacer* como si nada
to play (it) safe — ir* a la segura, no arriesgarse*
to play (it) straight — ser* sincero or honesto
c) \<\<theater/town\>\> actuar* en6) ( Mus) \<\<instrument/note\>\> tocar*; \<\<piece\>\> tocar*, interpretar (frml)7) ( Audio) \<\<tape/record\>\> poner*8) ( move) (+ adv compl)
1) vi2) ( amuse oneself) \<\<children\>\> jugar*to play AT something — jugar* a algo
what are you playing at? — ¿a qué estás jugando?, ¿qué es lo que te propones?
to play WITH something/somebody — jugar* con algo/alguien
3) (Games, Sport) jugar*to play fair — jugar* limpio
to play fair with somebody — ser* justo con alguien
4)a) ( Theat) \<\<cast\>\> actuar*, trabajar; \<\<show\>\> ser* representadob) ( pretend)to play dead — hacerse* el muerto
to play hard to get — hacerse* el (or la etc) interesante
5) ( Mus) \<\<musician\>\> tocar*6) ( move)•Phrasal Verbs:- play off- play on- play out- play up -
8 straight
1. n прямая линия2. n прямизна3. n спорт. финишная прямаяback straight — прямая, противоположная финишной прямой
4. n честность5. n карт. карты, подобранные подряд по достоинству, «порядок», «стрит»6. n нормальный человек7. n неодобр. «добропорядочный» человек, обыватель, мещанин8. a прямой, неизогнутый9. a не отклоняющийся от курса, не сходящий с дороги; беспрерывныйSturzhang, straight — вис прогнувшись
10. a невьющийся11. a авт. с цилиндрами в ряд12. a правильный, ровный; находящийся в порядкеfaced straight — правильно отрезал; правильно отрезанный
13. a разг. честный, прямой, искреннийstraight dealing — честность, честное ведение дел
to keep straight — оставаться честным; вести честный образ жизни
14. a разг. верный, надёжный15. a амер. полит. неуклонно поддерживающий решения своей партии; преданный своей партии16. a амер. неразбавленный17. a амер. ком. фиксированный, прейскурантный; без скидки за большое количество купленногоcigars 20 cents straight — сигары 20 центов штука, без скидки
18. a лит. театр. чистый по жанру19. a лит. театр. естественный, органичный20. a лит. театр. обыкновенный, рядовойa straight novel — рядовой роман, бесхитростное повествование
21. a лит. театр. идущий по порядкуvertical press with straight arms sideward to support — подъем силой с прямыми руками через стороны в упор
22. a лит. театр. карт. расположенный по порядкуstraight flush — карты одной масти по порядку; «королевский цвет», объективный
23. a разг. обычный, традиционный24. a разг. нормальный; здоровый25. a разг. единственный; прямойa salesman on straight commission — коммивояжёр, работающий только за комиссионные
26. a разг. прямой, непосредственный27. adv по прямой линии, прямоto stand straight — стоять прямо, не горбиться
28. adv прямо, непосредственно29. adv правильно, точно, метко30. adv правильно, упорядоченно31. adv честно, открыто, прямо32. adv объективноto write a story straight — нарисовать объективную картину; изложить события без комментариев
33. adv ясно, здравоСинонимический ряд:1. conventional (adj.) button-down; conventional; orthodox; square2. correct (adj.) accurate; correct; right3. direct (adj.) continuous; direct; linear; nonstop; through; undeviating; uninterrupted; unswerving4. even (adj.) even; flat; flush; level; planate; plane; smooth5. honest (adj.) equitable; fair; honest; honorable; honourable; just; moral; upright; virtuous6. neat (adj.) full-strength; neat; orderly; plain; pure; tidy; unadulterated; unaltered; unblended; unchanged; undiluted; unmixed; unmodified7. open (adj.) candid; forthright; frank; open; plainspoken; undisguised8. rectilinear (adj.) aligned; erect; horizontal; perpendicular; plumb; rectilinear; vertical9. straightforward (adj.) aboveboard; plain dealing; straightforward10. right (noun) good; right11. away (other) at once; away; first off; forthwith; immediately; instanter; instantly; now; PDQ; right away; right off; straight away; straight off; straightway12. directly (other) as the crow flies; dead; direct; directly; due; in a beeline; right; straight ahead; straightly; undeviatinglyАнтонимический ряд:askew; circuitous; crooked; curved; deceptive; deformed; deviating; devious; dishonest; distorted; fraudulent; grotesque; indirect; interrupted; messy; misshapen; mixed; wily -
9 play
I. 1. играя (си)
забавлявам се (with)
to PLAY (at) soldiers играя на войници
let's PLAY (at being) pirates хайде да играем на пирати
2. сп., карти играя, включвам в игра, удрям (топка), шах местя (фигура)
to PLAY someone as goalkeeper etc. включвам някого като вратар и пр.
to PLAY (as/at) centre-forward играя като/съм център-нападател
to PLAY one's ace играя аса си
прен. to PLAY one's ace/one's trump card играя/изигравам най-силния си коз
to PLAY one's trumps well използувам добре възможностите си
to PLAY fair, to PLAY the game спазвам правилата, прен. постъпвам честно
3. сп. в (добро, лошо) състояние съм (за игрище)
4. играя на (борсата, тото и пр.), залагам
to PLAY the races залагам на конни състезания
to PLAY the market играя нa борсата
5. театр. играя, изпълнявам (роля), играя в (театър), играя се (за пиеса)
what's PLAYing at какво се дава/играе в
he PLAYed leading theatres той играеше в най-известните театри
to PLAY one's part well добре си играя/изигравам ролята (и прен.)
6. правя се на, показвам се като, играя ролята на
to PLAY the man показвам се/държа се като (истински) мъж, държа се мъжки
to PLAY dead правя се на умрял
to PLAY the fool/goat/monkey правя се на луд, втелявам се, халосвам се
7. свиря, изпълнявам (на инструмент), пускам, просвирвам (плоча и пр.)
to PLAY the piano/violin etc. свиря (на) пиано/цигулка и пр.
to PLAY a sonata on the piano изсвирвам соната на пиано
8. играя, движа се свободно, имам луфт (за машина и пр.)
9. насочвам, отправям (струя, прожектор и пр.), насочвам се
обстрелвам (on)
10. пускам (водоскок), пуснат съм (за водоскок)
11. sl. съдействувам, постъпвам както се изисква
12. оставям (уловена на въдица риба) да се измори във водата
to PLAY havoc/hell with, to PLAY the boar/deuce/dickens/devil with, to PLAY Old Harry/old gooseberry with обръщам с главата надолу, правя на пух и прах, погубвам, пращам по дяволите, разсипвам, разорявам, разстройвам
to PLAY safe действувам предпазливо, не рискувам
to PLAY a deep game имам потайни/скрити планове, действувам потайно
II. 1. игра, забава, забавление
to be at PLAY играя
in PLAY на шега
2. бързо движение, игра, трепкане (на вълни, светлина, цветове)
the PLAY of expression on his face променящото се изражение на лицето му
3. пиеса, представление, спектакъл
as good as a PLAY много забавно/интересно
4. сп., карти игра, ход, хазарт, начин (на игра)
the ball is to PLAY топката e в игра/в игрището
to be out of PLAY извън играта съм
5. ам. прен. маневра, ход
to make a PLAY for мъча се да докопам/спечеля
6. тех. игра, луфт, хлабина, свободен/мъртъв ход
7. поведение, отношение, държане
foul/false PLAY непочтеност, непочтено отношение, мошеничество
fair PLAY честна игра, честност, честно отношение
8. действие
to bring/call into PLAY пускам в ход/действие, предизвиквам
to come into PLAY влизам в действие, започвам да действувам
in full PLAY в пълен ход, в разгар
to hold someone in PLAY не давам някому да си отдъхне/да си поеме дъх
to make PLAY действувам енергично
9. ам. гласност (чрез средства за информация)
10. прен. простор, свобода
to give free PLAY to давам пълна свобода на (мисли, въображение и пр.)* * *{plei} v 1. играя (си); забавлявам се (with); to play (at) soldiers(2) {plei} n 1. игра; забава, забавление; to be at play играя; in play* * *трепкам; трепвам; свиря; обстрелвам; пиеса; отправям; владея; пускам; играя; игра; насочвам;* * *1. 1 sl. съдействувам, постъпвам както се изисква 2. 1 оставям (уловена на въдица риба) да се измори във водата 3. as good as a play много забавно/интересно 4. fair play честна игра, честност, честно отношение 5. foul/false play непочтеност, непочтено отношение, мошеничество 6. he played leading theatres той играеше в най-известните театри 7. i. играя (си) 8. ii. игра, забава, забавление 9. in full play в пълен ход, в разгар 10. in play на шега 11. let's play (at being) pirates хайде да играем на пирати 12. the ball is to play топката e в игра/в игрището 13. the play of expression on his face променящото се изражение на лицето му 14. to be at play играя 15. to be out of play извън играта съм 16. to bring/call into play пускам в ход/действие, предизвиквам 17. to come into play влизам в действие, започвам да действувам 18. to give free play to давам пълна свобода на (мисли, въображение и пр.) 19. to hold someone in play не давам някому да си отдъхне/да си поеме дъх 20. to make a play for мъча се да докопам/спечеля 21. to make play действувам енергично 22. to play (as/at) centre-forward играя като/съм център-нападател 23. to play (at) soldiers играя на войници 24. to play a deep game имам потайни/скрити планове, действувам потайно 25. to play a sonata on the piano изсвирвам соната на пиано 26. to play dead правя се на умрял 27. to play fair, to play the game спазвам правилата, прен. постъпвам честно 28. to play havoc/hell with, to play the boar/deuce/dickens/devil with, to play old harry/old gooseberry with обръщам с главата надолу, правя на пух и прах, погубвам, пращам по дяволите, разсипвам, разорявам, разстройвам 29. to play one's ace играя аса си 30. to play one's part well добре си играя/изигравам ролята (и прен.) 31. to play one's trumps well използувам добре възможностите си 32. to play safe действувам предпазливо, не рискувам 33. to play someone as goalkeeper etc. включвам някого като вратар и пр 34. to play the fool/goat/monkey правя се на луд, втелявам се, халосвам се 35. to play the man показвам се/държа се като (истински) мъж, държа се мъжки 36. to play the market играя нa борсата 37. to play the piano/violin etc. свиря (на) пиано/цигулка и пр 38. to play the races залагам на конни състезания 39. what's playing at какво се дава/играе в 40. ам. гласност (чрез средства за информация) 41. ам. прен. маневра, ход 42. бързо движение, игра, трепкане (на вълни, светлина, цветове) 43. действие 44. забавлявам се (with) 45. играя на (борсата, тото и пр.), залагам 46. играя, движа се свободно, имам луфт (за машина и пр.) 47. насочвам, отправям (струя, прожектор и пр.), насочвам се 48. обстрелвам (on) 49. пиеса, представление, спектакъл 50. поведение, отношение, държане 51. правя се на, показвам се като, играя ролята на 52. прен. to play one's ace/one's trump card играя/изигравам най-силния си коз 53. прен. простор, свобода 54. пускам (водоскок), пуснат съм (за водоскок) 55. свиря, изпълнявам (на инструмент), пускам, просвирвам (плоча и пр.) 56. сп. в (добро, лошо) състояние съм (за игрище) 57. сп., карти игра, ход, хазарт, начин (на игра) 58. сп., карти играя, включвам в игра, удрям (топка), шах местя (фигура) 59. театр. играя, изпълнявам (роля), играя в (театър), играя се (за пиеса) 60. тех. игра, луфт, хлабина, свободен/мъртъв ход* * *play [plei] I. v 1. играя, играя си; театр. изпълнявам, играя ( роля); давам представление; England will \play Latvia Англия ще играе срещу Латвия; to \play the innocent правя се на невинен (ни лук ял, ни лук мирисал); to \play to the gallery търся евтини ефекти; прен. търся популярност; to \play the man постъпвам като истински мъж (човек); to \play a trick ( joke) играя (погаждам) номер (on); the ground \plays well игрището е в добро състояние, игрището е добро за игра; to \play a pawn сп. местя пионка (в шахмата); to \play the ball сп. удрям топката; 2. свиря; изпълнявам; to \play the piano свиря на пиано; to \play by ear свиря по слух, импровизирам (и прен.); to \play a waltz свиря валс; to \play a record изсвирвам (пускам) плоча; to \play second fiddle свиря втора цигулка, играя второстепенна роля; 3. държа се, имам определено поведение; постъпвам; to \play it cool държа се хладнокръвно; to \play it straight директен съм; говоря действам направо; to \play double лицемеря, играя двойна роля; to \play fair постъпвам честно; to \play fast and loose 1) играя нечестна игра; 2) действам безотговорно; to \play it low on s.o. постъпвам подло (низко) спрямо някого; to \play safe действам внимателно, внимавам; не рискувам; to \play s.o. false ( foul) измамвам (излъгвам) някого; постъпвам нечестно спрямо някого; to \play the fool ( goat, monkey) правя се на луд (смахнат); втелявам се; to \play the devil' s advocate заемам противната позиция в спор, за да провокирам обстойната аргументация на дадено становище; 4. играя, трепвам, трепкам; 5. насочвам (се); отправям; обстрелвам; to \play a searchlight upon an object насочвам прожектора към даден предмет; the guns \played on the fort оръдия обстрелваха укреплението; 6. владея, управлявам; to \play a good bat добър играч на крикет съм; to \play a good knife and fork имам добър апетит, похапвам си добре; 7. залагам (при хазарт); играя, хвърлям ( карта); to \play high карти излизам с по-висока карта, покачвам; to \play o.'s cards well добре използвам обстоятелствата (възможностите си); to \play o.'s hand for all it's worth използвам възможностите (обстоятелствата) докрай, напълно; to \play into the hands of помагам на, съдействам на, наливам вода във воденицата на; 8. пускам в действие ( водоскок); 9. оставям (уловена на въдица риба) да се измори във водата; 10. играе, движи се свободно; има луфт (за машинна част); • to \play both ends against the middle изправям противници един срещу друг, за да получа собствена изгода; двама се карат, третият печели; to \play on s.o., to \play a joke on s.o., ам. to \play sharp on s.o. 1) подигравам се с някого; 2) излагам някого; to \play havoc ( hell) with, to \play the bear ( deuce, devil, dickens, mischief) with, to \play Old Harry ( old gooseberry, hell and Tommy) with погубвам, пращам по дяволите; обръщам с главата надолу; to \play ball ам. сътруднича, съдействам; to \play the field хойкам, имам много гаджета; тъка на няколко стана; to \play the game играя (действам) според правилата; действам почтено; to \play a deep game имам тайни (скрити) планове; to \play ducks and drakes with пилея; разхищавам; to \play tricks with служа си несръчно (неумело) с; to \play possum правя се на ни лук ял, ни лук мирисал; правя се на ни чул, ни видял; II. n 1. игра; \play of the waves плисък (игра) на вълните; to be at \play играя; \play-by-\play story сп. коментар; the \play of expression on his face променящото се изражение на лицето му, подвижните черти на лицето му; \play upon words игра на думи, каламбур; 2. пиеса, представление; спектакъл; драма; as good as a \play много забавен (интересен); също като на театър (сцена); gallery \play прен. демагогия; гъделичкане на низките вкусове на публиката; while the \play is good шотл. докато е време, докато не е станало късно; о́време, навреме; to damn a \play провалям пиеса; a stock \play театр. пиеса от репертоара; grand-stand \play позьорство; външен ефект; 3. шега, забава; in \play на шега; 4. поведение, отношение; fair \play почтеност, честност; foul ( false) \play непочтеност, нечестност; мошеничество; 5. дейност, действие; to bring ( call) into \play пускам в ход (действие), задействам; to come into \play започвам да действам; in full \play в пълен ход; в разгара; to hold ( keep) s.o. in \play създавам непрекъснато работа на някого, не давам на някого да си отдъхне (да си поеме дъх); in \play сп. в игрището; който може да се играе (за топка); 6. ред да играя, ход; it's my \play аз съм на ход; 7. прен. простор, свобода; to give free \play to o.'s thoughts давам пълна свобода (простор) на мислите си; 8. тех. игра, луфт, свободно движение; толеранс; free \play 1) мъртъв (празен) ход, луфт; 2) отклонение от нормалното положение; 9. хазартна игра, комар; • to make \play 1) разигравам, разкарвам ( with); 2) действам енергично; сп. нанасям енергични удари; 3) бързам, разбързвам се, разшетвам се; to make great ( big) \play of преувеличавам, пресилвам; преигравам; to make a \play for 1) домогвам се до; 2) флиртувам с; опитвам се да привлека; свалям. -
10 straight
A n1 Sport ligne f droite ; back straight côté m opposé de la piste ; home straight dernière ligne droite ; into the straight dans la ligne droite ;2 Games suite f ;3 ○ ( heterosexual) hétéro ○ mf.B adj1 ( not bent or curved) [line, cut, edge, road, stretch] droit ; [chair] à dossier droit ; [hair] raide ; dead straight gen tout droit ; [hair] très raide ; in a straight line en ligne droite ;2 (level, upright) [fixture, post, shelf, hem, edge, wall] bien droit ; [garment, bedclothes, rug, tablecloth] bien mis ; is the picture straight now? est-ce que le tableau est droit maintenant? ; the picture/your tie isn't straight le tableau/ta cravate est de travers ; to put ou set sth straight mettre qch (bien) droit [furniture, picture, mirror] ; ajuster [tie, hat] ; to have a straight back avoir le dos droit ; a straight(-sided) glass un verre droit ;3 (tidy, in order) en ordre ; to get ou put sth straight lit, fig mettre qch en ordre ; I must get the house straight before Sunday il faut que je mette la maison en ordre avant dimanche ; the lawyer will put things straight l'avocat va mettre les choses en ordre ;4 ( clear) to get sth straight comprendre qch ; have you got that straight? c'est compris? ; let's get this straight, you're paying half entendons-nous bien, tu paies la moitié ; now let's get one thing straight que ce soit bien clair ; to put ou set sb straight about sth éclairer qn sur qch ; to set matters straight mettre les choses en clair ; to put ou set the record straight établir la vérité ;5 (honest, direct) [person] honnête, loyal ; [answer, question] clair ; [advice, tip] sûr ; to be straight with sb jouer franc jeu avec qn ; I want a straight answer to a straight question je veux une réponse claire à une question claire ; it's time for straight talking il est temps de parler franchement ;6 ( unconditional) [contradiction, majority, profit] net/nette ; [choice] simple ; [denial, refusal, rejection] catégorique ; to do a straight swap faire simplement l'échange ; a straight fight GB Pol une élection à deux candidats ; that's straight dishonesty c'est de la malhonnêteté pure et simple ;7 ( undiluted) [spirits, drink] sec, sans eau ;8 ( consecutive) [wins, defeats] consécutif/-ive ; she got straight ‘A’s Sch elle a eu A partout ; to win/lose in straight sets Sport gagner/perdre en plusieurs sets consécutifs ; to vote a straight ticket US Pol voter pour la liste d'un parti ;9 Theat [actor, play, role] classique ;11 ○ [person] ( conventional) conventionnel/-elle ; ( not on drugs) qui ne se drogue pas ; ( heterosexual) hétéro ○ inv.C adv1 ( not obliquely or crookedly) [walk, stand up, grow, fly, steer, hang, cut, throw, hit] droit ; [shoot] juste ; stand up straight! tenez-vous droit! ; sit up straight! asseyez-vous convenablement! ; she held her arm out straight elle a tendu son bras tout droit ; she was stretched straight out on the floor elle était étendue toute raide sur le sol ; to go straight ahead aller tout droit ; to look straight ahead regarder droit devant soi ; to look sb straight in the eye ou face regarder qn droit dans les yeux ; can you see straight? est-ce-que tu vois bien? ; he headed straight for the bar il s'est dirigé droit vers le bar ; he went straight for me il s'est jeté sur moi ; he walked straight across the road il a traversé la route tout droit ; the car was coming straight at ou towards me la voiture se dirigeait droit sur moi ; she was looking straight at me elle regardait droit dans ma direction ; straight above our heads juste au-dessus de nos têtes ; straight down into the ground droit dans le sol ; straight up in the air droit en l'air ; the bullet went straight through his body la balle lui a traversé le corps de part en part ; we went straight through the book nous avons lu le livre de bout en bout ; he fired straight into ou through the crowd il a tiré en plein dans la foule ; they drove straight through the red light ils ont brûlé le feu rouge ; they drove straight past me ils sont passés droit devant moi ; she drove straight into a tree elle est rentrée droit dans un arbre ; keep straight on, it's on the left continuez tout droit, c'est sur la gauche ; his poems speak straight to our hearts ses poèmes nous vont droit au cœur ;2 ( without delay) directement ; to go straight home rentrer directement à la maison ; to go straight to bed aller directement au lit ; she went straight back to Paris elle est rentrée directement à Paris ; shall we go straight there? nous y allons directement? ; she wrote straight back elle a répondu immédiatement ; to come straight to the point aller droit au fait ; he went straight to the heart of the matter il est rentré directement dans le vif du sujet ; straight after tout de suite après ; I went out straight after phoning you je suis sorti tout de suite après t'avoir téléphoné ; straight away, straight off tout de suite ; I saw straight away ou off that it was impossible j'ai vu tout de suite que c'était impossible ; he sat down and read/played it straight off il s'est assis et l'a lu/joué d'une seule traite ; I can tell you the dates/prices straight off je peux vous donner les dates/prix de mémoire ; she told him straight out that… elle lui a dit carrément or sans ambages que… ; it seemed like something straight out of a horror film/the Middle Ages cela semblait sortir tout droit d'un film d'horreur/du Moyen Âge ;3 ( frankly) tout net ; I'll tell you straight, I'll give it to you straight ○ je vous le dirai tout net ; give it to me straight ○ dis-moi la vérité ; straight out carrément ; I told him straight out that he was wrong je lui ai dit carrément qu'il se trompait ; to play straight with sb fig jouer franc jeu avec qn ;to keep a straight face garder son sérieux ; to keep to the straight and narrow suivre le droit chemin ; to stray from the straight and narrow s'écarter du droit chemin ; to go straight ○ [criminal] se ranger ; straight up ○ ? GB sans blague ○ ? -
11 straight
straight [streɪt]1. adjectivec. ( = unambiguous) clair• have you got that straight? est-ce bien clair ?d. ( = tidy) to put sth straight mettre de l'ordre dans qche. ( = simple) it was a straight choice between A and B il n'y avait que deux solutions, A ou Bf. ( = consecutive) [victories, defeats, games, months] consécutif• if I give you £5, then we'll be straight si je te donne 5 livres, nous serons quittesi. ( = unsmiling) to keep a straight face garder son sérieuxj. [person] (inf) ( = conventional) conventionnel ; ( = heterosexual) hétéro (inf) ; ( = not criminal) honnête• I've been straight for three years ( = not on drugs) ça fait trois ans que je n'ai pas pris de drogue2. nouna. the straight [of racecourse, athletics track] la ligne droite3. adverba. ( = in a straight line) [walk, stand, grow] droit ; [shoot] juste• to look sb straight in the face/the eye regarder qn bien en face/droit dans les yeux• to go straight towards sb/sth se diriger droit vers qn/qchb. ( = level) to hang straight [picture] être bien droitc. ( = directly) straight after this tout de suite après• to come straight back ( = without detour) revenir directement ; ( = immediately) revenir tout de suite• he went straight to London ( = without detour) il est allé directement à Londres ; ( = immediately) il s'est immédiatement rendu à Londrese. ( = neat) to drink one's whisky straight boire son whisky secf. ( = clearly) he couldn't think straight il n'avait plus les idées clairesh. ( = consecutively) for five days straight pendant cinq jours d'affilée► straight off ( = immediately) tout de suite ; ( = without hesitation) sans hésiter ; ( = without beating about the bush) sans ambages4. compounds* * *[streɪt] 1.noun Sport ligne f droite2.back straight — côté m opposé de la piste
1) ( not bent or curved) gen droit; [hair] raidedead straight — gen tout droit
2) (level, upright) gen bien droit; [bedclothes, tablecloth] bien misthe picture/your tie isn't straight — le tableau/ta cravate est de travers
3) (tidy, in order) en ordreto get ou put something straight — lit, fig mettre quelque chose en ordre
4) ( clear)to put ou set the record straight — établir la vérité
5) (honest, direct) [person] honnête, droit; [answer] clair6) ( unconditional) [majority, profit] net/nette; [choice] simplea straight fight — GB Politics une élection à deux candidats
7) ( undiluted) [drink] sec, sans eau8) ( consecutive) [wins, defeats] consécutif/-iveshe got straight ‘A’s — School elle a eu très bien partout
in straight sets — Sport en deux (or trois) sets
9) Theatre [actor, role] sérieux/-ieuse10) (colloq) ( heterosexual) hétéro (colloq) inv3.1) ( not obliquely) gen droit; [shoot] justeto go/keep straight ahead — aller/continuer tout droit
2) ( without delay) directementstraight away —
she told him straight out that — elle lui a dit carrément or sans ambages que
it seemed like something straight out of the Middle Ages — cela semblait sortir tout droit du Moyen Âge
3) ( frankly) tout netgive it to me straight — (colloq) dis-moi la vérité
to play straight with somebody — fig jouer franc-jeu avec quelqu'un
4) Theatre [act, produce] de manière classique5) ( neat) [drink] sec or sans eau••to go straight — (colloq) [criminal] se ranger
straight up? — (colloq) GB sans blague? (colloq)
12 straight
1. adjective1) (not bent or curved: a straight line; straight (= not curly) hair; That line is not straight.) recto, liso2) ((of a person, his behaviour etc) honest, frank and direct: Give me a straight answer!) honrado, de confianza, sincero, franco3) (properly or levelly positioned: Your tie isn't straight.) derecho, recto4) (correct and tidy: I'll never get this house straight!; Now let's get the facts straight!) en orden, arreglado5) ((of drinks) not mixed: a straight gin.) solo6) ((of a face, expression etc) not smiling or laughing: You should keep a straight face while you tell a joke.) serio7) ((of an actor) playing normal characters, or (of a play) of the ordinary type - not a musical or variety show.) serio, dramático
2. adverb1) (in a straight, not curved, line; directly: His route went straight across the desert; She can't steer straight; Keep straight on.) recto, directamente2) (immediately, without any delay: He went straight home after the meeting.) directamente3) (honestly or fairly: You're not playing (= behaving) straight.) francamente, con franqueza
3. noun(the straight part of something, eg of a racecourse: He's in the final straight.) recta- straightness
- straightforward
- straightforwardly
- straightforwardness
- straight talking
- go straight
- straight away
- straighten out/up
- a straight fight
- straight off
straight1 adj1. liso2. recto / derecho3. en ordenI want everything straight before your mother comes back quiero todo en orden antes de que vuelva tu madrestraight2 adv1. recto / derecho2. directamentestraight away enseguida / inmediatamentetr[streɪt]1 (not curved - gen) recto,-a; (- hair) liso,-a■ can you walk in a straight line? ¿puedes caminar en línea recta?2 (level, upright) derecho,-a, recto,-a■ backs straight! ¡espalda recta!■ is my tie straight? ¿tengo la corbata recta?3 (tidy, neat) en orden, arreglado,-a4 (honest - person) honrado,-a, de confianza; (sincere) sincero,-a, franco,-a5 (direct - question) directo,-a; (- refusal, rejection) categórico,-a, rotundo,-a■ he gave me a straight "no" for an answer su respuesta fue un "no" rotundo6 (correct, accurate) correcto,-a■ have you got your facts straight? ¿tienes la información correcta?7 (consecutive) seguido,-a8 (drink) solo,-a9 (play, actor, etc) serio,-a, dramático,-a10 (person - conventional) convencional; (- heterosexual) heterosexual; (non-drug user) que no toma droga11 familiar (not in debt) solvente1 (in a straight line) recto,-a2 (not in a curve) derecho,-a, recto,-a3 (directly) directamente4 (immediately) en seguida5 (frankly) francamente, con franqueza6 (clearly) claro, con claridad1 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (in race) recta2 (in cards) escalera3 familiar (conventional person) carca nombre masulino o femenino; (heterosexual) heterosexual nombre masulino o femenino; (non-drug user) persona que no se droga\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLthe straight and narrow el buen caminostraight from the shoulder sin rodeosstraight away en seguidastraight off sin pensarlo, en el actostraight up en serioto go straight (criminal) reformarseto keep a straight face contener la risato play straight (with somebody) jugar limpio (con alguien)to put/set the record straight dejar las cosas claras, aclarar las cosas, poner las cosas en su lugarto put/set somebody straight (about something) explicar los hechos a alguiento vote a/the straight ticket SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL votar a candidatos del mismo partido para todos los cargosstraight choice alternativa clarastraight fight mano a mano nombre masculinostraight profit beneficio limpiostraight swap cambio directostraight ['streɪt] adv1) : derecho, directamentego straight, then turn right: sigue derecho, luego gira a la derecha2) honestly: honestamenteto go straight: enmendarse3) clearly: con claridad4) frankly: francamente, con franquezastraight adj1) : recto (dícese de las líneas, etc.), derecho (dícese de algo vertical), lacio (dícese del pelo)2) honest, just: honesto, justo3) neat, orderly: arreglado, ordenadoadj.• derecho, -a adj.• directo, -a adj.• engallado, -a adj.• enhiesto, -a adj.• erguido, -a adj.• franco, -a adj.• liso, -a adj.• recto, -a adj.• seguido, -a adj.• serio, -a adj.adv.• derechamente adv.• derecho adv.• directamente adv.• recto adv.straight* (Sexuality)n.• buga* s.m.
I streɪtadjective -er, -est1)a) ( not curved or wavy) recto; < hair> lacio, lisob) (level, upright, vertical) (pred)to be straight — estar* derecho
is my tie straight? — ¿tengo la corbata derecha or bien puesta?
your tie isn't straight — llevas or tienes la corbata torcida
2) ( in order) (pred)is my hair straight? — ¿tengo bien el pelo?
I have to get o put my room straight — tengo que ordenar mi cuarto
if I pay for the coffees, we'll be straight — si pago los cafés quedamos or estamos en paz or (CS) a mano
to get something straight: let's get this straight a ver si nos entendemos; you have to make sure you've got your facts straight tienes que asegurarte de que la información que tienes es correcta; to set the record straight dejar las cosas en claro; to put o set somebody straight about something — aclararle algo a alguien
3)a) (direct, clear) <denial/refusal> rotundo, categóricoit's a straight choice between buying a car or going on holiday — la alternativa es clara: o se compra un coche o se va de vacaciones
I made $20,000 straight profit — saqué 20.000 dólares limpios de beneficio
she got straight A's — ≈sacó sobresaliente en todo
b) ( unmixed) <gin/vodka> soloall I want is a straight yes or no — lo único que quiero es que me digas que sí o que no, sin más
5) ( successive)he won in straight sets — ( Sport) ganó sin conceder or sin perder ningún set
this is the fifth straight day it's happened — (AmE) éste es el quinto día seguido que pasa
6)a) ( serious) <play/actor> dramático, seriob) ( conventional) (colloq) convencionalc) ( heterosexual) (colloq) heterosexual
1)a) ( in a straight line) < walk> en línea rectathe truck was coming straight at me — el camión venía derecho or justo hacia mí
b) ( erect) <sit/stand> derecho2)a) ( directly) directamenteI came straight home from work — vine directamente or derecho a casa después del trabajo
b) ( immediately)straight after dinner — inmediatamente después de cenar, en cuanto terminé de cenar
she said straight off she wasn't paying — (colloq) dijo de entrada que ella no pagaba
I'll come straight to the point — iré derecho or directamente al grano
3) (colloq)a) ( frankly) con franquezab) ( honestly)are you playing straight with me? — ¿estás jugando limpio conmigo?
to go straight: he swore he'd go straight — prometió que se reformaría
4) ( clearly) <see/think> con claridadI can't think straight — no puedo pensar claro or con claridad
[streɪt]1. ADJ(compar straighter) (superl straightest)1) (=not bent or curved) [line, road, nose, skirt] recto; [trousers] de perneras estrechas, de pata estrecha *; [hair] lacio, liso; [shoulders] erguido, rectoto have a straight back — tener la espalda erguida or recta
I couldn't keep a straight face, I couldn't keep my face straight — no podía mantener la cara seria2) (=not askew) [picture, rug, hat, hem] derechothe picture isn't straight — el cuadro está torcido or (LAm) chueco
your tie isn't straight — tienes la corbata torcida, tu corbata no está bien
3) (=honest, direct) [answer] franco, directo; [question] directo; [refusal, denial] categórico, rotundo•
all I want is a straight answer to a straight question — lo único que pido es que respondas con franqueza a una pregunta directa•
to be straight with sb — ser franco con algn, hablar a algn con toda franqueza4) (=unambiguous) clarois that straight? — ¿está claro?
to get sth straight, let's get that straight right from the start — vamos a dejar eso claro desde el principiothere are a couple of things we'd better get straight — hay un par de cosas que debemos dejar claras
have you got that straight? — ¿lo has entendido?, ¿está claro?
to put or set things or matters straight — aclarar las cosas
to put or set the record straight — aclarar las cosas
he soon put or set me straight — enseguida me aclaró las cosas
5) (=tidy, in order) [house, room] arreglado, ordenado; [books, affairs, accounts] en orden6) (=clear-cut, simple) [choice, swap] simplewe made £50 straight profit on the deal — sacamos 50 libras limpias del negocio
7) (=consecutive) [victories, defeats, games] consecutivothis is the fifth straight year that she has won — este es el quinto año consecutivo en el que ha ganado
to get straight As — sacar sobresaliente en todo•
we had ten straight wins — ganamos diez veces seguidas, tuvimos diez victorias consecutivas8) (=neat) [whisky, vodka] solo9) (Theat) (=not comic) [part, play, theatre, actor] dramático, serio10) * (=conventional) [person] de cabeza cuadrada *she's a nice person, but very straight — es maja pero tiene la cabeza demasiado cuadrada *
11) * (=not owed or owing money)if I give you a fiver, then we'll be straight — si te doy cinco libras, estamos en paz
12) * (=heterosexual) heterosexual, hetero *13) * (=not criminal) [person]14) ** (=not using drugs)I've been straight for 13 years — hace 13 años que dejé las drogas, llevo 13 años desenganchado de las drogas
2. ADV1) (=in a straight line) [walk, shoot, fly] en línea recta; [grow] rectostand up straight! — ¡ponte derecho or erguido!
straight above us — directamente encima de nosotros•
it's straight across the road from us — está justo al otro lado de la calle•
to go straight ahead — ir todo recto, ir todo derechoto look straight ahead — mirar al frente, mirar hacia adelante
to look straight at sb — mirar derecho hacia algn•
to hold o.s. straight — mantenerse derecho•
to look sb straight in the eye — mirar directamente a los ojos de algn•
to go straight on — ir todo recto, ir todo derecho•
the bullet went straight through his chest — la bala le atravesó limpiamente el pecho•
I saw a car coming straight towards me — vi un coche que venía derecho hacia mi•
to look straight up — mirar hacia arriba2) (=level)the picture isn't hanging straight — el cuadro está torcido or (LAm) chueco
3) (=directly) directamente; (=immediately) inmediatamenteyoungsters who move straight from school onto the dole queue — jóvenes que pasan directamente del colegio a la cola del paro
I went straight home/to bed — fui derecho a casa/a la cama
straight after this — inmediatamente después de esto•
straight away — inmediatamente, en seguida, al tiro (Chile)•
straight off — (=without hesitation) sin vacilar; (=immediately) inmediatamente; (=directly) directamente, sin rodeos4) (=frankly) francamente, con franquezajust give it to me or tell me straight — dímelo francamente or con franqueza
straight up — (Brit) * en seriostraight from the shoulder —
5) (=neat) [drink] solo6) (=clearly) [think] con claridadhe was so frightened that he couldn't think straight — tenía tanto miedo que no podía pensar con claridad
7) *•
to go straight — (=reform) [criminal] enmendarse; [drug addict] dejar de tomar drogas, desengancharsehe's been going straight for a year now — [ex-criminal] hace ahora un año que lleva una vida honrada; [ex-addict] hace un año que dejó las drogas, lleva un año desenganchado de las drogas
8) (Theat)9) (=consecutively)3. N1) (=straight line)•
to cut sth on the straight — cortar algo derecho2) (Brit) (on racecourse)•
the straight — la rectaas the cars entered the final straight Hill was in the lead — cuando los coches entraron en la recta final Hill iba a la cabeza
3) (Cards) runfla f, escalera f4) * (=heterosexual) heterosexual mf4.CPDstraight angle N — ángulo m llano
straight arrow * N — (US) estrecho(-a) m / f de miras
straight man N — actor m que da pie al cómico
I was the straight man and he was the comic — yo era el actor que daba pie a sus chistes y él era el cómico
straight razor N — (US) navaja f de barbero
straight sex N — (=not homosexual) sexo m entre heterosexuales; (=conventional) relaciones fpl sexuales convencionales, sexo m sin florituras *
straight ticket N (US) (Pol) —
* * *
I [streɪt]adjective -er, -est1)a) ( not curved or wavy) recto; < hair> lacio, lisob) (level, upright, vertical) (pred)to be straight — estar* derecho
is my tie straight? — ¿tengo la corbata derecha or bien puesta?
your tie isn't straight — llevas or tienes la corbata torcida
2) ( in order) (pred)is my hair straight? — ¿tengo bien el pelo?
I have to get o put my room straight — tengo que ordenar mi cuarto
if I pay for the coffees, we'll be straight — si pago los cafés quedamos or estamos en paz or (CS) a mano
to get something straight: let's get this straight a ver si nos entendemos; you have to make sure you've got your facts straight tienes que asegurarte de que la información que tienes es correcta; to set the record straight dejar las cosas en claro; to put o set somebody straight about something — aclararle algo a alguien
3)a) (direct, clear) <denial/refusal> rotundo, categóricoit's a straight choice between buying a car or going on holiday — la alternativa es clara: o se compra un coche o se va de vacaciones
I made $20,000 straight profit — saqué 20.000 dólares limpios de beneficio
she got straight A's — ≈sacó sobresaliente en todo
b) ( unmixed) <gin/vodka> soloall I want is a straight yes or no — lo único que quiero es que me digas que sí o que no, sin más
5) ( successive)he won in straight sets — ( Sport) ganó sin conceder or sin perder ningún set
this is the fifth straight day it's happened — (AmE) éste es el quinto día seguido que pasa
6)a) ( serious) <play/actor> dramático, seriob) ( conventional) (colloq) convencionalc) ( heterosexual) (colloq) heterosexual
1)a) ( in a straight line) < walk> en línea rectathe truck was coming straight at me — el camión venía derecho or justo hacia mí
b) ( erect) <sit/stand> derecho2)a) ( directly) directamenteI came straight home from work — vine directamente or derecho a casa después del trabajo
b) ( immediately)straight after dinner — inmediatamente después de cenar, en cuanto terminé de cenar
she said straight off she wasn't paying — (colloq) dijo de entrada que ella no pagaba
I'll come straight to the point — iré derecho or directamente al grano
3) (colloq)a) ( frankly) con franquezab) ( honestly)are you playing straight with me? — ¿estás jugando limpio conmigo?
to go straight: he swore he'd go straight — prometió que se reformaría
4) ( clearly) <see/think> con claridadI can't think straight — no puedo pensar claro or con claridad
13 straight
I [streɪt]nome sport rettilineo m.back straight — = rettilineo parallelo al rettilineo d'arrivo
II 1. [streɪt]home straight — dirittura o rettilineo d'arrivo
1) (not bent or curved) [line, road] dritto, diritto; [ hair] liscio2) (level, upright) [shelf, hem, edge, wall] dritto; [bedclothes, tablecloth] dritto, messo bene3) (tidy, in order) ordinato, in ordine, a postoto get o put sth. straight — mettere qcs. a posto (anche fig.)
4) (clear)to get sth. straight — capire (bene) qcs.
to put o set sb. straight about sth. chiarire qcs. a qcn.; to put o set the record straight — mettere le cose in chiaro
to be straight with sb. — essere franco con qcn., comportarsi lealmente con qcn
6) (unconditional) [majority, profit, choice] netto; [ refusal] netto, categoricoa straight fight — BE pol. una contesa tra due candidati
7) (undiluted) [ drink] puro, liscio8) (consecutive) [wins, defeats] consecutivo, di filahe got straight "A"s — scol. ha preso "A" in tutto
9) teatr. [actor, role] classico10) colloq. [ person] (conventional) normale, convenzionale; (not on drugs) che non fa uso di droghe; (heterosexual) eterosessuale2.1) (not obliquely) [walk, stand up, grow, cut] dritto, dirittoto look sb. straight in the eye — guardare qcn. dritto negli occhi
the car was coming straight at o towards me la macchina veniva dritto verso di me; straight above our heads proprio sopra le nostre teste; the bullet went straight through his body il proiettile gli attraversò il corpo (da parte a parte); they drove straight past me — sono passati in macchina senza fermarsi
2) (without delay) direttamente, difilato, drittostraight away straight off subito, immediatamente; it seemed like something straight out of the Middle Ages — sembrava venire direttamente dal Medioevo
3) (frankly) chiaramentegive it to me straight — colloq. dimmelo chiaro e tondo
she told him straight out that... — gli ha detto chiaro e tondo che...
to play straight with sb. — comportarsi in modo leale con qcn
4) (neat)••to keep to the straight and narrow — seguire la retta via, condurre una vita onesta
to go straight — colloq. [ criminal] rigare dritto, mettere la testa a posto
straight up? — BE colloq. sul serio? davvero?
* * *[streit] 1. adjective1) (not bent or curved: a straight line; straight (= not curly) hair; That line is not straight.) diritto, dritto; liscio2) ((of a person, his behaviour etc) honest, frank and direct: Give me a straight answer!) franco, schietto, diretto3) (properly or levelly positioned: Your tie isn't straight.) dritto4) (correct and tidy: I'll never get this house straight!; Now let's get the facts straight!) in ordine, chiaramente5) ((of drinks) not mixed: a straight gin.) puro, liscio6) ((of a face, expression etc) not smiling or laughing: You should keep a straight face while you tell a joke.) serio, impassibile7) ((of an actor) playing normal characters, or (of a play) of the ordinary type - not a musical or variety show.) serio2. adverb1) (in a straight, not curved, line; directly: His route went straight across the desert; She can't steer straight; Keep straight on.) diritto, dritto2) (immediately, without any delay: He went straight home after the meeting.) direttamente3) (honestly or fairly: You're not playing (= behaving) straight.) correttamente3. noun(the straight part of something, eg of a racecourse: He's in the final straight.) dirittura (d'arrivo)- straightness
- straightforward
- straightforwardly
- straightforwardness
- straight talking
- go straight
- straight away
- straighten out/up
- a straight fight
- straight off* * *I [streɪt]nome sport rettilineo m.back straight — = rettilineo parallelo al rettilineo d'arrivo
II 1. [streɪt]home straight — dirittura o rettilineo d'arrivo
1) (not bent or curved) [line, road] dritto, diritto; [ hair] liscio2) (level, upright) [shelf, hem, edge, wall] dritto; [bedclothes, tablecloth] dritto, messo bene3) (tidy, in order) ordinato, in ordine, a postoto get o put sth. straight — mettere qcs. a posto (anche fig.)
4) (clear)to get sth. straight — capire (bene) qcs.
to put o set sb. straight about sth. chiarire qcs. a qcn.; to put o set the record straight — mettere le cose in chiaro
to be straight with sb. — essere franco con qcn., comportarsi lealmente con qcn
6) (unconditional) [majority, profit, choice] netto; [ refusal] netto, categoricoa straight fight — BE pol. una contesa tra due candidati
7) (undiluted) [ drink] puro, liscio8) (consecutive) [wins, defeats] consecutivo, di filahe got straight "A"s — scol. ha preso "A" in tutto
9) teatr. [actor, role] classico10) colloq. [ person] (conventional) normale, convenzionale; (not on drugs) che non fa uso di droghe; (heterosexual) eterosessuale2.1) (not obliquely) [walk, stand up, grow, cut] dritto, dirittoto look sb. straight in the eye — guardare qcn. dritto negli occhi
the car was coming straight at o towards me la macchina veniva dritto verso di me; straight above our heads proprio sopra le nostre teste; the bullet went straight through his body il proiettile gli attraversò il corpo (da parte a parte); they drove straight past me — sono passati in macchina senza fermarsi
2) (without delay) direttamente, difilato, drittostraight away straight off subito, immediatamente; it seemed like something straight out of the Middle Ages — sembrava venire direttamente dal Medioevo
3) (frankly) chiaramentegive it to me straight — colloq. dimmelo chiaro e tondo
she told him straight out that... — gli ha detto chiaro e tondo che...
to play straight with sb. — comportarsi in modo leale con qcn
4) (neat)••to keep to the straight and narrow — seguire la retta via, condurre una vita onesta
to go straight — colloq. [ criminal] rigare dritto, mettere la testa a posto
straight up? — BE colloq. sul serio? davvero?
14 straight
[streit] 1. adjective1) (not bent or curved: a straight line; straight (= not curly) hair; That line is not straight.) lige; glat2) ((of a person, his behaviour etc) honest, frank and direct: Give me a straight answer!) oprigtig3) (properly or levelly positioned: Your tie isn't straight.) lige4) (correct and tidy: I'll never get this house straight!; Now let's get the facts straight!) i orden; korrekt5) ((of drinks) not mixed: a straight gin.) ren6) ((of a face, expression etc) not smiling or laughing: You should keep a straight face while you tell a joke.) udtryksløs; uden at fortrække en mine7) ((of an actor) playing normal characters, or (of a play) of the ordinary type - not a musical or variety show.) almindelig2. adverb1) (in a straight, not curved, line; directly: His route went straight across the desert; She can't steer straight; Keep straight on.) lige2) (immediately, without any delay: He went straight home after the meeting.) lige3) (honestly or fairly: You're not playing (= behaving) straight.) ærligt3. noun(the straight part of something, eg of a racecourse: He's in the final straight.) langside; opløb- straightness
- straightforward
- straightforwardly
- straightforwardness
- straight talking
- go straight
- straight away
- straighten out/up
- a straight fight
- straight off* * *[streit] 1. adjective1) (not bent or curved: a straight line; straight (= not curly) hair; That line is not straight.) lige; glat2) ((of a person, his behaviour etc) honest, frank and direct: Give me a straight answer!) oprigtig3) (properly or levelly positioned: Your tie isn't straight.) lige4) (correct and tidy: I'll never get this house straight!; Now let's get the facts straight!) i orden; korrekt5) ((of drinks) not mixed: a straight gin.) ren6) ((of a face, expression etc) not smiling or laughing: You should keep a straight face while you tell a joke.) udtryksløs; uden at fortrække en mine7) ((of an actor) playing normal characters, or (of a play) of the ordinary type - not a musical or variety show.) almindelig2. adverb1) (in a straight, not curved, line; directly: His route went straight across the desert; She can't steer straight; Keep straight on.) lige2) (immediately, without any delay: He went straight home after the meeting.) lige3) (honestly or fairly: You're not playing (= behaving) straight.) ærligt3. noun(the straight part of something, eg of a racecourse: He's in the final straight.) langside; opløb- straightness
- straightforward
- straightforwardly
- straightforwardness
- straight talking
- go straight
- straight away
- straighten out/up
- a straight fight
- straight off -
15 straight
[streɪt] 1. adjline, back, hair prosty; answer jasny; choice, fight bezpośredni; ( THEAT) part, play dramatyczny; whisky etc czysty; ( inf) ( heterosexual) normalny2. adv 3. nto put/get sth straight — ( make clear) wyjaśniać (wyjaśnić perf) coś; ( make tidy) doprowadzać (doprowadzić perf) coś do porządku
to go straight home — iść (pójść perf) prosto do domu
to tell sb straight out — powiedzieć ( perf) komuś prosto z mostu
straight away, straight off — od razu
* * *[streit] 1. adjective1) (not bent or curved: a straight line; straight (= not curly) hair; That line is not straight.) prosty2) ((of a person, his behaviour etc) honest, frank and direct: Give me a straight answer!) rzetelny3) (properly or levelly positioned: Your tie isn't straight.) prosty4) (correct and tidy: I'll never get this house straight!; Now let's get the facts straight!) w należytym, porządku5) ((of drinks) not mixed: a straight gin.) czysty6) ((of a face, expression etc) not smiling or laughing: You should keep a straight face while you tell a joke.) poważny7) ((of an actor) playing normal characters, or (of a play) of the ordinary type - not a musical or variety show.) dramatyczny2. adverb1) (in a straight, not curved, line; directly: His route went straight across the desert; She can't steer straight; Keep straight on.) prosto2) (immediately, without any delay: He went straight home after the meeting.) od razu3) (honestly or fairly: You're not playing (= behaving) straight.) uczciwie3. noun(the straight part of something, eg of a racecourse: He's in the final straight.) prosta- straightness
- straightforward
- straightforwardly
- straightforwardness
- straight talking
- go straight
- straight away
- straighten out/up
- a straight fight
- straight off -
16 straight
1. прил.
1) а) неизогнутый, прямой;
невьющийся( о волосах) б) правильный, находящийся в порядке;
2) а) искренний, прямой, честный a straight question ≈ прямой вопрос straight speaking ≈ искренность;
прямота straight fight б) разг. верный, надежный;
амер. полит. неуклонно поддерживающий решения своей партии, преданный своей партии straight tip ≈ сведения из достоверных источников в) откровенный, без экивоков;
3) амер. чистый, неразбавленный
4) амер. разг. поштучный, розничный (о цене)
2. нареч.
1) а) прямо, по прямой линии б) метко, правильно, точно Syn: neatly, to the point
2) открыто, неприкрыто;
чисто, прямо, честно
3) немедленно, сразу ∙ straight away straight off straight out to go/run straight ≈ (начать) вести честный образ жизни
3. сущ.;
ед. только
1) а) прямая линия;
спорт финишная прямая б) прямизна
2) разг. правильный, честный образ жизни (the *;
тк. в ед. ч.) прямизна - out of the * кривой прямая линия - on the * по прямой (спортивное) финишная прямая - back * прямая, противоположная финишной прямой честность - on the * (жаргон) честно - I am on the * я честно говорю, действую и т. п.( карточное) карты, подобранные подряд по достоинству, "порядок", "стрит" (в покере) нормальный человек, обыватель, мещанин прямой, неизогнутый - * line прямая линия - the *est way to самый прямой путь в /к/ - * back прямая /несгорбленная/ спина не отклоняющийся от курса, не сходящий с дороги;
беспрерывный - * course прямой курс - * flight полет по прямой - * run беспосадочный полет невьющийся - * hair прямые волосы( автомобильное) с цилиндрами в ряд( о двигателе) правильный, ровный;
находящийся в порядке - your tie isn't * ваш галстук сбился набок - * eye верный глаз - * gunner меткий наводчик - * blow прямой удар (бокс) (разговорное) честный, прямой, искренний - * question прямой вопрос - * dealing(s) честность, честное ведение дел - to be * in one's dealings быть честным в своих делах - to keep * оставаться честным;
вести честный /правильный/ образ жизни - * talk откровенный разговор, разговор начистоту - a * thinker здравомыслящий человек( разговорное) верный, надежный - * tip сведения из достоверных источников (американизм) (политика) неуклонно поддерживающий решения своей партии;
преданный своей партии - * Republican стойкий республиканец - a * vote голос, поданный за весь список кандидатов от своей партии (американизм) неразбавленный - * whisky неразбавленное виски( американизм) (коммерческое) фиксированный, прейскурантный( о цене) ;
без скидки за большое количество купленного - cigars 20 cents * сигары 20 центов штука, без скидки (литературоведение) (театроведение) чистый по жанру - * play (чистая) драма( без музыки) - * comedy (настоящая) комедия( не музыкальная) - * part драматическая роль( без эксцентриады и т. п.) естественный, органичный( об игре актера) обыкновенный, рядовой( о лит. произведении) - a * novel /story/ рядовой роман, бесхитростное повествование (часто в отличие от романов абсурда, фантастики и т. п.) идущий по порядку - twelve * days двенадцать дней подряд (карточное) расположенный по порядку - * flush карты одной масти по порядку;
"королевский цвет", флеш-рояль (в покере) (профессионализм) объективный( о газетных сообщениях) - * story объективное изложение событий;
факты без комментариев (разговорное) обычный, традиционный - * culture традиционная культура нормальный;
здоровый( о психике) - * and gay people нормальные /гетеросексуальные/ люди и гомосексуалисты - * thinking and stoned thinking нормальное мышление и мышление наркоманов и алкоголиков единственный( о способе вознаграждения) ;
прямой (о сдельщине и т. п.) - a salesman on * commision коммивояжер, работающий только за комиссионные прямой, непосредственный( о наблюдении, расчете) > * face ничего не выражающее лицо > to keep a * face, to keep one's face * стараться не рассмеяться > (as) * as a die прямой, честный;
такой не подведет;
прямой как стрела > (as) * as a ramrod словно аршин проглотил прямой по линии, прямо - to ride * ехать напрямик - to stand * стоять прямо, не горбиться - * set up с прямо /стройной/ фигурой - to look smb. * in the eyes смотреть кому-л. прямо в глаза - the drunk could not walk * пьяный не мог идти не шатаясь прямо, непосредственно - * above прямо над - to go * to London поехать прямо в Лондон - it comes * from Paris это прибыло прямо из Парижа - to go /to come/ * to the point перейти прямо /сразу/ к сути дела - to drink * from the bottle пить прямо из горлышка правильно, точно, метко - to shoot * метко стрелять правильно, упорядоченно - to put a room * привести комнату в порядок - to put the picture * правильно /ровно/ повесить картину;
поправить висящую картину - is my hat on *? у меня шляпа правильно надета? - he set us * on that issue он дал нам правильную информацию по этому вопросу - to get the facts * установить факты, разобраться в случившемся честно, открыто, прямо - to tell smb. * сказать кому-л. прямо /честно/ - to let smb. have it * (разговорное) честно /прямо/ сказать кому-л. объективно (в газетных сообщениях) - to write a story * нарисовать объективную картину;
изложить события без комментариев ясно, здраво - he thinks * он ясно /здраво/ мыслит - I cannot think * не могу собраться с мыслями в сочетаниях: - * away немедленно, сразу, тотчас - to go * away сразу /немедленно/ уйти - to guess * away сразу угадать /догадаться/ - * off сразу, не колеблясь;
не обдумав - to tell smth. * off сразу же сказать что-л. - to answer * off ответить не задумываясь - five tricks * off пять взяток сразу /подряд/ - * out напрямик, прямо - to speak * out говорить прямо > to hit * from the shoulder говорить прямо, честно, "рубить сплеча";
наносить прямой удар > to go /to run/ * (начать) вести честный /добропорядочный/ образ жизни;
порвать с преступным прошлым, "завязать" ~ тк. sing разг. правильный, честный образ жизни;
to be on the straight жить честно (о бывшем преступнике) ~ амер. разг. поштучный (о цене) ;
cigars ten cents straight сигары стоимостью десять центов за штуку straight: to go (или to run) straight (начать) вести честный образ жизни ~ прямо, по прямой линии;
to ride straight ехать напрямик;
to hit straight нанести прямой удар is my hat on ~? у меня шляпа правильно надета?;
to put things straight привести дела в порядок ~ fight полит. (предвыборная) борьба, в которой участвуют только два кандидата;
straight speaking искренность;
to keep straight оставаться честным put the picture ~ поправьте картину;
to put a room straight привести комнату в порядок put the picture ~ поправьте картину;
to put a room straight привести комнату в порядок is my hat on ~? у меня шляпа правильно надета?;
to put things straight привести дела в порядок ~ прямо, по прямой линии;
to ride straight ехать напрямик;
to hit straight нанести прямой удар ~ правильно, точно, метко;
to shoot straight метко стрелять straight: to go (или to run) straight (начать) вести честный образ жизни ~ разг. надежный, верный;
straight tip сведения из достоверных источников ~ немедленно, сразу;
straight away разг. сразу, тотчас;
straight off сразу, не обдумав;
straight out напрямик, прямо ~ амер. неразбавленный;
straight whisky неразбавленное виски ~ амер. полит. неуклонно поддерживающий решения своей партии;
преданный своей партии;
to vote the straight ticket голосовать за список кандидатов своей партии ~ амер. разг. поштучный (о цене) ;
cigars ten cents straight сигары стоимостью десять центов за штуку ~ правильно, точно, метко;
to shoot straight метко стрелять ~ тк. sing разг. правильный, честный образ жизни;
to be on the straight жить честно (о бывшем преступнике) ~ правильный;
находящийся в порядке;
straight eye верный глаз, хороший глазомер ~ правильный ~ тк. sing прямая (перед финишем на скачках) ~ тк. sing прямая линия ~ (the ~) тк. sing прямизна ~ прямо, честно, открыто;
tell me straight what you think скажите мне прямо, что вы думаете ~ прямо, по прямой линии;
to ride straight ехать напрямик;
to hit straight нанести прямой удар ~ прямой, невьющийся (о волосах) ~ прямой, неизогнутый ~ прямой ~ ровный ~ честный, прямой, искренний;
a straight question прямой вопрос;
straight talk откровенный разговор ~ немедленно, сразу;
straight away разг. сразу, тотчас;
straight off сразу, не обдумав;
straight out напрямик, прямо ~ правильный;
находящийся в порядке;
straight eye верный глаз, хороший глазомер ~ fight полит. (предвыборная) борьба, в которой участвуют только два кандидата;
straight speaking искренность;
to keep straight оставаться честным ~ fight честный бой ~ немедленно, сразу;
straight away разг. сразу, тотчас;
straight off сразу, не обдумав;
straight out напрямик, прямо ~ немедленно, сразу;
straight away разг. сразу, тотчас;
straight off сразу, не обдумав;
straight out напрямик, прямо ~ честный, прямой, искренний;
a straight question прямой вопрос;
straight talk откровенный разговор ~ fight полит. (предвыборная) борьба, в которой участвуют только два кандидата;
straight speaking искренность;
to keep straight оставаться честным ~ честный, прямой, искренний;
a straight question прямой вопрос;
straight talk откровенный разговор ~ разг. надежный, верный;
straight tip сведения из достоверных источников ~ амер. неразбавленный;
straight whisky неразбавленное виски ~ прямо, честно, открыто;
tell me straight what you think скажите мне прямо, что вы думаете ~ амер. полит. неуклонно поддерживающий решения своей партии;
преданный своей партии;
to vote the straight ticket голосовать за список кандидатов своей партииБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > straight
17 straight
1. [streıt] n1. (the straight) тк. sing1) прямизна2) прямая линияon the straight - по прямой [см. тж. 3]
2. спорт. финишная прямаяback straight - прямая, противоположная финишной прямой
3. честностьon the straight - жарг. честно [см. тж. 1, 2)]
I am on the straight - я честно говорю, действую и т. п.
4. карт. карты, подобранные подряд по достоинству, «порядок», «стрит» ( в покере)5. 1) нормальный человек (не гомосексуалист, не наркоман)2) неодобр. «добропорядочный» человек, обыватель, мещанин2. [streıt] a1. 1) прямой, неизогнутыйstraight line [road] - прямая линия [дорога]
the straightest way to - самый прямой путь в /к/
straight back - прямая /несгорбленная/ спина
2) не отклоняющийся от курса, не сходящий с дороги; беспрерывный3) невьющийся4) авт. с цилиндрами в ряд ( о двигателе)2. правильный, ровный; находящийся в порядке3. разг. честный, прямой, искреннийstraight question [answer] - прямой вопрос [ответ]
straight dealing(s) - честность, честное ведение дел
to keep straight - оставаться честным; вести честный /правильный/ образ жизни
straight talk - откровенный разговор, разговор начистоту
4. разг. верный, надёжный5. амер. полит. неуклонно поддерживающий решения своей партии; преданный своей партииa straight vote - голос, поданный за весь список кандидатов от своей партии
6. амер. неразбавленныйcigars 20 cents straight - сигары 20 центов штука, без скидки
8. лит., театр.1) чистый по жанруstraight part - драматическая роль (без эксцентриады и т. п.)
2) естественный, органичный ( об игре актёра)3) обыкновенный, рядовой (о лит. произведении)a straight novel /story/ - рядовой роман, бесхитростное повествование (часто в отличие от романов абсурда, фантастики и т. п.)
9. 1) идущий по порядку2) карт. расположенный по порядкуstraight flush - карты одной масти по порядку; «королевский цвет», флеш-рояль ( в покере)
10. проф. объективный ( о газетных сообщениях)straight story - объективное изложение событий; факты без комментариев
11. разг.1) обычный, традиционный2) нормальный; здоровый ( о психике)straight and gay people - нормальные /гетеросексуальные/ люди и гомосексуалисты
straight thinking and stoned thinking - нормальное мышление и мышление наркоманов и алкоголиков
12. единственный ( о способе вознаграждения); прямой (о сдельщине и т. п.)a salesman on straight commission - коммивояжёр, работающий только за комиссионные
13. прямой, непосредственный (о наблюдении, расчёте)♢
straight face - ничего не выражающее лицоto keep a straight face, to keep one's face straight - стараться не рассмеяться
(as) straight as a die - а) прямой, честный; ≅ такой не подведёт; б) прямой как стрела
3. [streıt] adv(as) straight as a ramrod - ≅ словно аршин проглотил
1. по прямой линии, прямоto stand straight - стоять прямо, не горбиться
straight set up - с прямой /стройной/ фигурой
to look smb. straight in the eyes [in the face] - смотреть кому-л. прямо в глаза [в лицо]
2. прямо, непосредственноto go /to come/ straight to the point - перейти прямо /сразу/ к сути дела
3. правильно, точно, метко4. правильно, упорядоченноto put the picture straight - а) правильно /ровно/ повесить картину; б) поправить висящую картину
is my hat on straight? - у меня шляпа правильно надета?
he set us straight on that issue - он дал нам правильную информацию по этому вопросу
to get the facts straight - установить факты, разобраться в случившемся
5. честно, открыто, прямоto tell smb. straight - сказать кому-л. прямо /честно/
to let smb. have it straight - разг. честно /прямо/ сказать кому-л.
6. объективно ( в газетных сообщениях)to write a story straight - нарисовать объективную картину; изложить события без комментариев
7. ясно, здравоhe thinks straight - он ясно /здраво/ мыслит
8. в сочетаниях:straight away - немедленно, сразу, тотчас
to go straight away - сразу /немедленно/ уйти
to guess straight away - сразу угадать /догадаться/
straight off - сразу, не колеблясь; не обдумав
to tell smth. straight off - сразу же сказать что-л.
five tricks straight off - пять взяток сразу /подряд/
straight out - напрямик, прямо
to hit straight from the shoulder - а) говорить прямо, честно, «рубить сплеча»; б) наносить прямой ударto go /to run/ straight - (начать) вести честный /добропорядочный/ образ жизни; порвать с преступным прошлым, «завязать»
18 straight
streit 1. adjective1) (not bent or curved: a straight line; straight (= not curly) hair; That line is not straight.) rett, bein, glatt2) ((of a person, his behaviour etc) honest, frank and direct: Give me a straight answer!) hederlig; oppriktig, åpenhjertig, rett ut3) (properly or levelly positioned: Your tie isn't straight.) ordentlig, skikkelig4) (correct and tidy: I'll never get this house straight!; Now let's get the facts straight!) i orden/stand, rett5) ((of drinks) not mixed: a straight gin.) rein, bar6) ((of a face, expression etc) not smiling or laughing: You should keep a straight face while you tell a joke.) som holder masken7) ((of an actor) playing normal characters, or (of a play) of the ordinary type - not a musical or variety show.) karakter-2. adverb1) (in a straight, not curved, line; directly: His route went straight across the desert; She can't steer straight; Keep straight on.) rett, beint2) (immediately, without any delay: He went straight home after the meeting.) rett, direkte3) (honestly or fairly: You're not playing (= behaving) straight.) fair, ærlig3. noun(the straight part of something, eg of a racecourse: He's in the final straight.)- straightness
- straightforward
- straightforwardly
- straightforwardness
- straight talking
- go straight
- straight away
- straighten out/up
- a straight fight
- straight offlike--------rank--------rett--------strakIsubst. \/streɪt\/1) rett linje2) rett vei(strekning)3) ( sport) langside, oppløpsside4) ( sport eller kortspill) serie, rekke5) ( i poker) straight6) ( hverdagslig) heteroseksuell, heterofil7) ( hverdagslig) konvensjonell personbe on the straight (and narrow) føre et hederlig liv, skikke segbe out of the straight være kroket, være skjev, sitte skjevtkeep to the straight and narrow (hverdagslig, overført) holde seg på den smale veion the straight rett, i rett linjeIIadj. \/streɪt\/1) rett, ben• is my hat on straight?2) rank, rett, stram3) direkte, rett4) på rad, etter hverandre5) i orden6) oppriktig, ærlig, åpenhjertig7) ærlig, hederlig, ordentlig, skikkelig, rettskaffen8) ( hverdagslig) pålitelig, tilforlatelig9) ( om alkoholholdig drink) ublandet, bar, ren10) (amer. skolevesen, om karakterer) blank, ren, strak11) (amer.) rendyrket, helhjertet, tro(fast)14) ( hverdagslig) borgerlig, konvensjonell15) ( hverdagslig) heterofil, heteroseksuell16) ( hverdagslig) som ikke bruker narkotika, dopfrias straight as an arrow snorrettget something straight få noe klart for seg, klargjøre en situasjon• now get this straight!get\/put\/make\/set straight ( overført) få orden på, ordne opp ibringe i orden, få orden på, rydde, gjøre i stand, ordnehave a straight word\/talk with someone si noen et alvorsordI'll put you straight! jeg skal lære deg!keep someone straight se til at noen skikker seg vel, holde orden på noenkeep straight føre et hederlig liv, skikke seg ( også) holde seg på matta, ikke skeie utkeep to the straight and narrow (path) ( overført) holde seg på den smale veimake\/put\/set everything\/matters straight ordne opp i alt, legge alt til retteput straight rette på, henge retta straight tip et stalltipsIIIadv. \/streɪt\/1) rakt, rett, bent2) rett, riktig, korrekt3) logisk, klart4) direkte, rett, rake veien5) straks, umiddelbart, øyeblikkelig6) ( overført) hederlig, ærlig, ordentlig, skikkelig7) (amer.) uten omsvøp, rett frem, direkte8) (amer.) (netto) per stykkstraight across tvers overstraight away med det samme, med en gang, umiddelbart, øyeblikkelig tvertstraight from the shoulder (gammeldags, om slag) raskt og godt slått ( overført) direkte, uten omsvøp, rett fra levrastraight off med en gang, øyeblikkelig uten forberedelser, på strak arm, på stående fot, i fartenuten videre, uten omsvøpstraight on rett fremstraight (out) direkte, rett ut, rett på sak, uten omsvøpstraight through tvers igjennom i ett strekk -
19 straight
[streit] 1. adjective1) (not bent or curved: a straight line; straight (= not curly) hair; That line is not straight.) raven2) ((of a person, his behaviour etc) honest, frank and direct: Give me a straight answer!) odkrit3) (properly or levelly positioned: Your tie isn't straight.) poravnan4) (correct and tidy: I'll never get this house straight!; Now let's get the facts straight!) urejen, jasen5) ((of drinks) not mixed: a straight gin.) čist6) ((of a face, expression etc) not smiling or laughing: You should keep a straight face while you tell a joke.) resen7) ((of an actor) playing normal characters, or (of a play) of the ordinary type - not a musical or variety show.) dramski2. adverb1) (in a straight, not curved, line; directly: His route went straight across the desert; She can't steer straight; Keep straight on.) naravnost2) (immediately, without any delay: He went straight home after the meeting.) takoj3) (honestly or fairly: You're not playing (= behaving) straight.) pošteno3. noun(the straight part of something, eg of a racecourse: He's in the final straight.) ravnina- straightness
- straightforward
- straightforwardly
- straightforwardness
- straight talking
- go straight
- straight away
- straighten out/up
- a straight fight
- straight off* * *I [stréit]adjectiveraven, prem, premočrten; gladek (lasje); resen (obraz); pokončen; urejen, v redu, reden, na pravem mestu, v pravi višini; simetričen; direkten, neposreden; figuratively odkrit, pošten, iskren, preprost, nekompliciran; colloquially zanesljiv, resničen (poročilo); dosleden; American slang brezkompromisen; pravi, neponarejen, nepopačen, neizkrivljen, dobljen iz prvega vira; popoln; nerazredčen, čist brez vode (whisky itd.)in a straight line — v premi, ravni črtistraight angle — iztegnjeni kot (180°)a straight back — raven, neukrivljen (negrbast) hrbetstraight face — negiben, resen obraza straight knee — ravno, neupognjeno kolenostraight line mathematics premicaa straight tip slang zanesljiv namig (nasvet), informacija iz prvega (zanesljivega) viraa straight path — ravna, prema stezaa straight race — dirka, v kateri se udeleženci na vse pretege trudijo za zmagoa straight Republican American slang brezkompromisen republikanec, republikanec skoz in skozthe straight ticket American pravi, uradni program strankeis everything straight? — je vse v redu?to keep a straight face — resno se držati, zadržati smehto keep s.o. straight — držati koga na uzdito set a room straight — urediti, pospraviti soboto vote a straight ticket American glasovati za nespremenjeno kandidatno listoII [stréit]adverbpremo, ravno, naravnost, v pravi smeri; točno, pravilno; neposredno, direktno; figuratively odkrito, iskreno, jasno, pošteno; obsolete takoj, precej, na mestu, nemudoma; brez ovinkov, brez ovinkarjenjastraight away — takoj, na mestu, precejstraight off — takoj, prècej, brez pomišljanjastraight from the horse's mouth slang iz prvega virato come straight to the point — jasno in brez oklevanja, naravnost pojasnitito ride straight on — jahati naravnost naprej, čez vse ovireto run straight — moralno, pošteno živetito speak straight out — odkrito, brez ovinkov govoritiI cannot tell you straight off — ne morem vam povedati kar takoj (pri priči, prècej)III [stréit]1.nounpremost; premica, ravnina; zadnji (ravni) del dirkališča za konjske dirke; American slang resnica, prava ugotovitev; sport po vrsti doseženi uspehi; (karte, poker) sekvenca petih kartout of the straight — neraven; poševen, nagnjen; grbav; figuratively nepošten;2.interjectionzares!, resnično!, v resnici! -
20 straight
[streɪt] nPHRASES:1) ( without curve) gerade; back, nose gerade; hair glatt; skirt gerade geschnitten; line gerade; road, row, furrow [schnur]gerade;is my tie \straight? sitzt mein Schlips richtig?;the picture isn't \straight das Bild hängt schief;he landed a \straight punch to the face sein Hieb landete geradewegs im Gesicht;( honest) grundehrlich, absolut ehrlich( honest) ehrlich;I think we better do a bit of \straight talking ich finde, wir sollten einmal ganz offen miteinander reden;to be \straight with sb aufrichtig [o ehrlich] mit jdm sein;a \straight answer eine offene [und ehrliche] Antwort;to do \straight dealings with sb mit jdm offen und ehrlich verhandeln;to go \straight ( fam) keine krummen Sachen machen ( fam), sich dat nichts zu Schulden kommen lassenhe looks pretty \straight wearing a tie mit Krawatte sieht er ziemlich spießig aus5) ( plain) einfach;( undiluted) pur;vodka \straight Wodka m pur\straight reporting objektive Berichterstattung7) (clear, uncomplicated) klar;well done, Tim, that was \straight thinking gut gemacht, Tim, da hast du wirklich scharf überlegt;just give me a \straight yes or no sag doch ganz einfach ja oder nein!;we both liked each other's jumpers, so we did a \straight swap uns gefiel jeweils der Pullover des anderen und da haben wir einfach getauscht;\straight answer eindeutige Antwort;( in exams)\straight A's glatte Einser;he's a \straight A candidate er ist ein Einserkandidatthe team has won ten \straight games this season das Team hat in dieser Saison zehn Spiele hintereinander gewonnen;the \straight line of succession to the throne die Thronfolge in direkter Linie;( not laughing) ernst;( traditional) traditionell, konventionell;there's a lot of \straight theatre at the festival beim Festival wird viel Althergebrachtes geboten;to keep a \straight face [or one's face \straight] ernst bleiben;to be \straight quitt sein ( fam)( clarified) geklärt;to put things \straight ( tidy) Ordnung schaffen;let's get this \straight, you need £500 tomorrow or else... stellen wir einmal klar: entweder du hast bis morgen 500 Pfund, oder...;and get this \straight, I'm not lending you any more money damit das klar ist: ich leihe dir keine müde Mark mehr;1) ( in a line) gerade[aus];go \straight along this road folgen Sie immer dieser Straße;he drove \straight into the tree er fuhr frontal gegen den Baum;the village lay \straight ahead of us das Dorf lag genau vor uns;after a couple of gins, I was having difficulty walking \straight nach ein paar Gins konnte ich kaum noch gerade gehen;the dog seemed to be coming \straight at me der Hund schien direkt auf mich zuzukommen;the arrow went \straight through the canvas der Pfeil ging glatt durch die Leinwand;she told me to go \straight ahead with designing the dress sie befahl mir, auf der Stelle mit dem Entwerfen des Kleides anzufangen;to look \straight ahead geradeaus schauenshall we go \straight to the party or stop off at a pub first? sollen wir gleich zur Party fahren oder schauen wir zuerst in einer Kneipe vorbei?;to look sb \straight in the eye jdm direkt in die Augen sehenI got home and went \straight to bed ich kam nach Hause und ging sofort schlafen;we've got to leave \straight away wir müssen unverzüglich aufbrechen;she said \straight off [or away] that she had no time on Friday sie sagte von vornherein, dass sie am Freitag keine Zeit habe;to get \straight to the point sofort [o ohne Umschweife] zur Sache kommentell me \straight, would you rather we didn't go out tonight? nun sag mal ganz ehrlich, wäre es dir lieber, wenn wir heute Abend nicht weggingen?;I told him \straight that I didn't like his tie ich sagte ihm geradeheraus, dass mir seine Krawatte nicht gefiele;\straight up, I only paid £20 for the fridge für den Kühlschrank habe ich echt nur 20 Pfund bezahlt5) ( clearly) klar;after five glasses of wine I couldn't see \straight nach fünf Gläsern Wein konnte ich nicht mehr richtig sehen;I'm so tired I can't think \straight any more ich bin so müde, dass ich nicht mehr klar denken kann
См. также в других словарях:
play it straight — play it ˈstraight idiom to be honest and not try to trick sb Main entry: ↑straightidiom … Useful english dictionary
play a straight bat — 1. to avoid answering someone s questions or giving them the information they want. When asked about the affair, he plays a straight bat. 2. someone who plays a straight bat is honest and has traditional ideas and beliefs. Wilf has played a… … New idioms dictionary
The Smothers Brothers Play It Straight — Infobox Album Name = The Smothers Brothers Play It Straight Type = studio Longtype = Artist = The Smothers Brothers Released = February 15, 1966 Recorded = Genre = folk Length = Label = Mercury Records Producer = Reviews = Last album = Mom Always … Wikipedia
play (straight) into someone's hands — play (right/straight) into someone’s hands phrase to do something that helps someone who you are competing against You’ll be playing straight into their hands if you involve the police. Thesaurus: to make a mistake, or to do something… … Useful english dictionary
play (right) into someone's hands — play (right/straight) into someone’s hands phrase to do something that helps someone who you are competing against You’ll be playing straight into their hands if you involve the police. Thesaurus: to make a mistake, or to do something… … Useful english dictionary
play */*/*/ — I UK [pleɪ] / US verb Word forms play : present tense I/you/we/they play he/she/it plays present participle playing past tense played past participle played 1) [intransitive/transitive] to take part in a sport or game The children were playing… … English dictionary
straight — straightly, adv. straightness, n. /strayt/, adj. straighter, straightest, adv., n. adj. 1. without a bend, angle, or curve; not curved; direct: a straight path. 2. exactly vertical or horizontal; in a perfectly vertical or horizontal plane: a… … Universalium
play — play1 [ pleı ] verb *** ▸ 1 take part in sport/game ▸ 2 make music/sound ▸ 3 have part in play, etc. ▸ 4 when children have fun ▸ 5 when light moves ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) intransitive or transitive to take part in a sport or game: The girls are out… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
play — /pleɪ / (say play) noun 1. a dramatic composition or piece; a drama. 2. a dramatic performance, as on the stage. 3. exercise or action by way of amusement or recreation. 4. fun, jest, or trifling, as opposed to earnest: he said it merely in play …
Straight Through My Heart — «Straight through my heart» Сингл Backstreet Boys из альбома … Википедия
Straight Through My Heart — «Straight Through My Heart» Sencillo de Backstreet Boys del álbum This Is Us Grabación Junio del 2009; Conway Studios (Los Angeles CA) Género(s) Dance, synth pop Duración 3:28 … Wikipedia Español